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A list of influences shows how a group wants to present themselves to fans and the press, and Mystik Spiral's list of seven cool bands and three more idiosyncratic choices is typical of such lists. The list may make the group sound a little cooler and more interesting than it really is.
The influence of Nirvana on Mystik Spiral is obvious, and while the group doesn't play covers, in [[The Invitation]], Jane mentions that Trent has been practicing the intro to their song "Come asAs youYou areAre". (Probably an indication that Trent isnot a limiteddifficult guitarbit player,to sincelearn) thisover introand isover notand all that difficult.)over,
A few bands Trent likes are mentioned in the series: He has Korn, Prodigy, Sisters of Mercy and Bauhaus posters in his room. In "[[That wasWas thenThen, thisThis isIs dumbDumb]]" he and Jesse compare the CD and vinyl editions of Frank Zappa's song "My guitar wants to kill your mama".
==Spin-off show==