Nemo Blank
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Fanfiction writer known for wild, often over-the-top stories that couldn't be told any other way. Many of his Daria stories are unabashed Daria/Trent shippers, "Daria's Season of Good Will" being an extraordinarily good example. Also writes Ranma 1/2 and Star Trek fanfiction.
Written Works[edit]
- Blast from the Past
- Crossover (Nemo Blank fic)
- [Daria's Season of Good Will]
- Dark Horizon
- Hero!
- Jane's Devious Plot
- The Mighty Quinn
- New Eyes
- Out of the Slushpile
- Restrain Jane Lane
- Retrograde Girl
- Ring Toss
- Too Many Choices
- Vengeance
Star Trek
- Altiverse
- Ashes Hauled
- Through A Mirror Darkly, Pt 3
- Teamwork
- Sucker
- Firing Solution
Ranma 1/2
- Chaos Factor
- Lord of Chaos
- MerryGoRound Broke Down
- Magnus