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Meanwhile, Jane's experience is vastly different. Mrs. Rothfelder is a pretentious, hateful woman, and Jane is immediately met with hostility and given a strict set of rules about how to conduct herself in the office. When Jane fires back, she is exiled from the woman's office and forced to sit in the waiting room instead. There, she strikes up a conversation with Gloria's secretary, [[Cassandra (On Guard)|Cassandra]], who reminds her a lot of Daria both in appearance and demeanor.
[[Image:Jane_cassandra.jpg|thumb|right|Jane and Cassandra in front of Cashman's, artwork by Kemical Reaxion]]Cassandra takes Jane with her on her lunch break, and they end up at the [[Lawndale Mall]]. There they pass by [[Cashman's]], the store where Quinn is working as a live mannequin. Quinn is dressed up and frozen in a pose in the front window of the shop. Cassandra and Jane take that opportunity to mess with her a little by trying to make Quinn move. After several tries at breaking her, Jane quickly flashes Quinn, and Quinn's mouth drops open in shock. The crowd that had started to form outside the store starts pointing and laughing at her, and Quinn runs out of the store completely mortified.
The following day, Jane and Daria get together to talk about their experiences. Jane tells Daria about Rothfelder's abrasive personality and they discuss Quinn's embarrassing moment. Daria is exceedingly proud of Jane's handiwork. Jane suggests that they get some pizza to reward themselves after the day they just had, but Daria passes, telling her that she has someone she needs to be. It turns out that the place Daria needs to be is right back on the corner sitting next to Mr. Crumwall.