Pierce Me

From DariaWiki

“Pierce Me” was the twelfth episode of the second season of Daria (episode number 212). It first aired on MTV on July 27, 1998.

It was written by Neena Beber.


This episode highlighted Daria's attraction to Trent. Trent persuades Daria to help find a birthday present for Jane (it doesn't take much). "I'll pick you up tomorrow," Trent tells her. "Early. Or late. I don't know. Actually let's just leave it loose." Largely due to Trent's random thought processes, Daria ends up getting her navel pierced at Axl's Piercing Parlor, largely it seems to impress Trent.

The usual hilarity ensues.

“Pierce Me” and Fanfic

The obvious crush Daria has on Trent was at the forefront in this episode and subsequently helped fuel the shipper movement in early fanfic.

External Links

On “Pierce Me” the Episode

Alternate Universe Versions of “Pierce Me”

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