The largest combat-oriented series of training courses available in the Metahuman Studies track at the United States Academy of Extranormal Studies, the Red Force enhanced infantry training certification program is designed to train USAES cadets in the informational and operational basics of metahuman-oriented asymmetric warfare studies, various methods of interactions with unstable, rogue or hostile metahuman opposition, and standard street-level tactical engagements/warfighting operations, with with an emphasis on actual field-work in one of four distinct phases of passive/active metahuman conflict resolution. It is tailored for any USAES cadets (regardless of their metahuman training program track) who are enrolled in combat-based and law-enforcement career tracks who have decided against attempting major certifications in their career tracks such as Hellhound, MAESTRO, White Sword and Lawman (respectively, the most advanced combat-training programs in the USAES Mental Enhancement, Advanced Cybernetics, Mechanics and Electronics (ACME), Mystical Enhancement and Combatant/Archivist-Ultimate Studies/Extranormal (CAUSE) Programs).

While the program is open to any USAES cadet (with preference going to cadets with combat-oriented abilities or skills, in the case of cadets from the USAES Combatant/Archivist-Ultimate Studies/Extranormal Program Program), Red Force training is strongly recommended for all cadets in combat-based slots in the Armed Forces, mandatory for cadets in the Metahuman Special Operations Track (if they have not already committed to another combat-oriented certification in their own metahuman studies program), and is encouraged for any cadet in the National Service/Federal Service/Law-Enforcement career tracks.

Red Force training is restricted to Cadets of First Year standing or above; Cadets of Second and Third Year standing with exceptional records and who have already chosen to apply for Elite Academy enrollment may apply to begin Red Force training. Each such application is reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and must be approved by no less than four instructors (including two instructors outside the cadet's metahuman service track), the Cadet Commander of Corps, and the Academy Commandant or Deputy Commandant .

The majority of combat-trained USAES cadets are Red Force trainees. The majority of National Service-track cadets, and all Federal Service and Armed Forces cadets in non-combat orientations are required to take either Maiden Spears (for female cadets) or Phalanx (for male cadets) physical enhancement training.

There are five phases of Red Force training. Each phase is fifteen weeks in length, and the first four phases are mandatory. While the first four phases can be repeated twice for credit, Red Force cadets can repeat any single phase four times in order to be awarded Red Force Specialist status in that training phase. Elite Academy cadets who have satisfactorily finished one complete Red Force training rotation, two phases of their second rotation and at least four R.A.O. courses may petition to use their internship year as the equivalent of the two additional phases required for Red Force Specialist status.

The phases of Red Force training are:

Red Rabbit/Phase One - special active/passive tactics and operations training of cadets for investigating, reconnaissance/tracking and non-confrontational engagement of rogue and unstable metahumans. Special emphasis is placed upon metahuman identification, first-contact scenarios and successful application of methods within, conflict resolution, and recruitment tactics. (This training phase also has a separate lab study that deals with classical or pop culture in order to assimilate with potential contacts - cadet’s choice.) Cadets must have received a minimum of three Leviathan certifications in the appropriate weapons listings in order to request consideration for Red Force Specialist status in this training phase.

Red Raccoon/Phase Two - intelligence and operations training focused upon high-intensity pursuit-avoidance, evasion methods/activities and criminal tactics/operations used for sustenance/ insinuation into local areas used by rogue and unstable metahumans. Preferential placement is given to cadets in the Federal Service/Law Enforcement and Metahuman Special Operations tracks. Cadets must have received a minimum of four Leviathan certifications in the appropriate weapons listings in order to request consideration for Red Force Specialist status in this training phase.

Red Raptor/Phase Three - passive/active engagement and containment procedures used to locate, contain and neutralize potential, unstable or active hostiles (rogue metahumans, normal humans with special/exotic/next-generation technologies and weaponry and HST/EOE/MOV beings who have demonstrated hostile intent) who are involved in activities that would violate the Bowman Acts. Special emphasis is placed on weapons and tactics, special containment procedures, and legal procedures (including intimate knowledge of the Bowman Acts). Preferential placement is given to cadets in the Federal Service/Law Enforcement track. Cadets must have received a minimum of six Leviathan certifications in the appropriate weapons listings in order to request consideration for Red Force Specialist status in this training phase.

Red Rhino/Phase Four - training geared towards in-theater support and active, high-intensity engagement in support of law enforcement/paramilitary forces against metahuman and HST/EOE/MOV forces engaged in overt military action against friendly forces or civilian populations/areas, and standard warfighting actions against conventional military forces. Special emphasis is placed on effective integration with friendly forces, overt use of metahuman abilities and next-generation weapons/technologies in active combat areas, and field study/interrogation of captured/inactive enemy forces/materials/areas in order to retrieve valuable information. Preferential placement is given to cadets in the Armed Forces (combat-oriented majors) and Metahuman Special Operations tracks. Cadets must have received a minimum of six Leviathan certifications in the appropriate weapons listings in order to request consideration for Red Force Specialist status in this training phase.

Red Aggressor Opposition Force (R.A.O.)/Phase Five - one-week independent study courses, which allow cadets from other training tracks to act as 'opposition elements' to either engage or attempt to evade and escape from Red Force trainees (during the active-encounter phases of their primary training). Those cadet must successfully complete at least fifteen R.A.O. courses (over the course of a two-year period,; no more than three courses per semester/six courses in an academic year) to be awarded Red Force Specialist in this phase. No cadet currently enrolled in any of the first four phases of Red Force training may also enroll concurrently in R.A.O. courses. Any exceptions to this rule are Cadets of First and Second Class status who have already received Red Force Specialist status in Red Raccoon/Raptor/Rhino at any period up to the conclusion of their internship year. Such exceptions must be approved on a case-by-case basis by the Commandant and the Program Commander.

Red Force trainees refer to themselves as 'super-soldiers' , and after completing all four phases and at least four R.A.O. independent study course, are issued (upon the cadet’s return to USAES upon the completion of their internship year) berets of ‘Tyrrian Scarlet’ ( a red-purple hue) with their uniforms. The beret issued is the standard beret of the United States Special Powers Command, and is also issued to all military personnel who graduate from the United States Special Studies Center and the three Special Powers metahuman training facilities operated by the U.S. military.