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Slaver Mantoids are possessed of psionic abilities, possibly as an evolutionary adaptation in response to their lack of a vocal apparatus that could correspond with their evolving intellect. At present, they have demonstrated two distinct abilities; the ability to form a telepathic line with humans (and possibly other creatures) in order to communicate, and the ability to mentally control other creatures. This mental control has varying levels of success upon humans, some of whom are resistant or even immune to this control. The Mantoids are currently engaged in a breeding program in order to breed the mental resistance train out of humans. (See [Mantoid Breeding Program].) The Mantoids may also be capable of a low-level fore of broadcast empathy, as they can seem to project their current emotional state while using their mental control.
Slaver Mantoids are possessed of psionic abilities, possibly as an evolutionary adaptation in response to their lack of a vocal apparatus that could correspond with their evolving intellect. At present, they have demonstrated two distinct abilities; the ability to form a telepathic line with humans (and possibly other creatures) in order to communicate, and the ability to mentally control other creatures. This mental control has varying levels of success upon humans, some of whom are resistant or even immune to this control. The Mantoids are currently engaged in a breeding program in order to breed the mental resistance train out of humans. (See Mantoid Breeding Program.) The Mantoids may also be capable of a low-level fore of broadcast empathy, as they can seem to project their current emotional state while using their mental control.
