Slaver Mantoids: Difference between revisions

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*All Mantoids possess the ability to form a telepathic link with humans (and possibly other creatures) in order to communicate. This ability can be used through physical contact
*All Mantoids possess the ability to psionically control other creatures. While they can control humans (and other alien races) from an (as-yet unspecified) distance, the control is nearly irresistible when a Mantoid is in physical contact with a victim. This mental control has varying levels of success upon humans, some of whom are resistant or even immune to this control.
*All Mantoids possess the ability to experience the sensory input experienced by other species (especially humans) by means of a sensory link. The Mantoids do not need to be in physical contact, but must be at least within 5-20 feet (roughly the size of a room) of their target to establish the sensory link. It does not seem that the link can be reversed, or that other beings can receive information from the Mantoids through the link.
*All Mantoics seem to have no innate detection abilities to detect human (humanoid?) telepaths, and are incredibly sensitive to the effects of psi-capable humans (this may be one reason why the effort to breed psi-power potentials out if their slave population has come about.
*All Mantoids show evidence of also being capable of a low-level form of broadcast empathy, as they can seem to project their current emotional state while using their mental control.
The Mantoids are currently engaged in a breeding program in order to breed the mental resistance trait out of humans. (See ''Mantoid Breeding Program''.) The Mantoids may also be capable of a low-level form of broadcast empathy, as they can seem to project their current emotional state while using their mental control.
