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During this time, an adjacent landscape appeared, and this new media already in danger of becoming a wasteland in its own right. This was the commercial Internet, and with it came in 1993 the World Wide Web. In less than five years, this new media was already on its way to becoming a desert of commercial websites, endless ads, spam and porn. But from all this, a digital stream emerged, and crossed over into the plain of its much older and more analog neighbor.</p>
It was at the confluence of MTV animation and the new digital media that something truly remarkable happened. Websites began to spawn and multiply, starting first with a corporate site from MTV, but then also from the many fans of the new series. Many fans began building their binary web nests on newly available “free” hosting services. Dozens, no, hundreds of fan sites appeared, but for the most part these small creatures merely took material from the MTV site, and made it their own. Each competed for eyeballs, for “hits”, the life giving force of the Internet. Many preformed mating dances using newly available JavaScript, using flashing screens and jiggling banners in an attempt to attract, to mate and unite with other fans. But in the end, all the java widgets and animated .gifs were an attempt to mask the sad fact that most of these sites contained little to no real flesh, no bulk, and no real original content.</p>
But out of this fertile mud arose giants. These sites grew with original content and as they received more and more “hits” from other fans, these fans massed together to provide even more content and grew the core site even more. Hence, the first “megasites” evolved, and soon these gentle giants became the undisputed masters of their digital domain.
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<p>All Eden’s have their snakes, and Planet Daria had one it could call its very own. The screen name was Boner, and this serpent found its way to the message board and started flaming away at many of its inhabitants. Most tried to ignore Boner, but others let him get under their skin. (Boner claimed he was female lesbian of Manchurian ancestry, but his IP address put in a suburb of Bakersfield, CA, and his behavior put him as male, at age 30, still living in his mothersmother's basement). </p>
Boner had an affinity for Chris Smith, who gave him the attention he craved, and Rowena had to now take time out her already hectic schedule to moderate, and delete entire threads from the message board. Sometimes, due to the flimsy nature of anything labeled “free”, the entire board would be lost, causing much tearing of virtual hair and gnashing of virtual teeth when the board came back up. Updates of the site started falling off, giving Boner a reason to foully attack Rowena, causing more board deletions and more site delays. It was obvious by June of that year something was going to change.</p>
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