Daria Multiverse: Difference between revisions

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'''Daria-39''': The [[Driven Wild Universe]], created by [[Kara Wild]]. The number comes from a type of eyeglass lens, CR-39. Quinn Morgendorffer learns that her eyesight is poor in the first episode, "[[Rose-Colored Lenses]]," which necessitates that she wear eyeglasses.
'''Daria-41 X''': The universe of [[Jane's Life's Lottery]] by [[WellTemperedClavier]]. The designation comes from the number of total endings for the CYOA, and the X is now used to determine variable universes that can come out differently each time someone visits (in other words, universes that operate under CYOA logic).
'''Daria-55''': The [[Super Zero]] universe by [[Erin Mills]]. This universe shows that [[Jake Morgendorffer]] isn't really a clueless yutz, but a superhuman with enhanced strength who tries to keep his abilities a secret. The genetic quirk that gives the occasional members of each generation of the Morgendorffer family super powers is documented to have killed those individuals before age 55.
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'''Daria-99''': The universe in [[LSauchelli|LSauchelli's]] fic, "[[Darkly Daria]]," which is a [[reinvention]] using concepts of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dexter_Morgan Dexter], Daria is a sociopath, almost incapable of empathy or remorse, who lives by an ethical code set down by her father. The code gives her a positive way of using her killer instinct. In the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dexter_%28TV_series%29 TV series], Dexter usually seizes his victims injecting them with an anesthetic, specified to be an animal tranquilizer called etorphine hydrochloride, or M99.
'''Daria-101''': '''The primary Daria universe, as seen in the original MTV animated series—'''or, as may be described by the [[Gardner Principle]] inferred in the DCU comic [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Carrot_and_His_Amazing_Zoo_Crew%21 Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew], the universe subconsciously tapped into and viewed by [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Eichler Glenn Eichler] and [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0506879/ Susie Lewis Lynn] when creating [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawndale_%28Daria%29 the world of Lawndale]. '''All other Daria-centric universes are by definition 'alternate realities' based upon this continuum.''' The number "101" derives from the episode number of the first story, "[[Esteemsters]]." In the universe of Smart Beavis and Smart Butt-head, it is known as '''Earth-1'''.
'''Daria-101.303''': A universe which is an exact copy of the Daria-Prime universe with one exception: the events in "[[Depth Takes a Holiday]]" are interpreted as a dream. In this universe, there is no "Holiday Island" pocket dimension and the events in DTaH didn't actually happen.
'''Daria-101.327-Z''': The universe of Smart Beavis and Smart Butt-head as introduced in the telefilm ''Beavis and Butt-head Do The Universe'' and expanded upon in the Paramount+ run of ''Beavis and Butt-head''. As seen in the episode "[[Abduction]]", the hyper-intelligent Smart Daria is a member of the council of Supreme Leaders of that universe. The name comes from the universe's designation for itself, '''Earth 327-Z'''.
'''Daria-109''': The [[Pause in the Air]] universe of [[The Angst Guy]]. In the fifth story, "[[Shock and Aww]]," the childbirth class is held in room 109A.
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'''Daria-557''': The universe in which [[Angelboy|Angelboy's]] "[[Fandemonium]]" takes place. Angelboy made the posting that began the fic at 5:57 p.m. on Friday, October 6, 2006.
'''Daria-595''': [[Charles RB|Charles RB's]] "[http://thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=29730 Judith Strikes: The Light of a Burning Darkness]; the universe has been locked off by the Ringbearers and is the sight of an apocalyptic battle against the monstrous Lloigor. 595 is the ''2000 AD'' issue that had a cover that inspired the story.
'''Daria-621''': [[Shiva|Shiva's]] [[Invertedverse]] in which the personalities and traits of the people in the regular Dariaverse are completely inverted, Daria is the most popular girl in school, Quinn is misanthropic, Kevin's a nerd, etc. The number 621 was selected based on the date when the AU was opened up, June 21.
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'''Daria-711''': The universe of [[Richard Lobinske|Richard Lobinske's]] [[Mother's Love]] [[series]]. In the second story, "[[Alien Home]]," Daria arrives at [[Nest]] sometime on July 11th, or 7/11.
''Daria-713''': The universe of CollegeHumor's ''Daria Movie Trailer'', in which Daria (played by Aubrey Plaza) has returned for Lawndale's high school reunion. This skit was released in July of 2013.
'''Daria-716''': The Earth from which the zombie invasion of D-77 was launched. [[Archangel]] and [[Richard]] become the first contact between the
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'''Daria-953''': The alternate reality of "[[The Fourth Ringwraith]]," where the [[Ringwraith]] Anastasia Rowe (an AU-version of [[Stacy Rowe]]) was first seen as she caused millions of deaths by shutting down power to the Earth's entire Western Hemisphere. The fic was posted on [[PPMB]] at 9:53 am on Saturday, Jan 09, 2010.
'''Daria-960''': The universe of both "[[Night of the Storm]]" and "[[The Winters of Those Gone Before]]." In 1997, the year ''Daria'' began its run, Quinn was #960 in popularity among female baby names.
'''Daria-1000''': A rival world to 'Daria-476', this world is the equal to [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qward Quard] in the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DC_Comics DC Universe]. While D-476 was developing along the lines of advanced scientific and socio-cultural development, D-1000 was gripped by the rise of 'Manifest Destiny' (the belief that technical supremacy, and that older universes should rule younger, less developed worlds entitled them to rule all others). Having used that tech to discover other alternate Earths for conquest and realizing that the forces of D-476 could constitute a severe threat, they commenced building technology to rival them. They eventually came into conflict with the [[Ringmasters]], and after being wiped out in a final battle with the a force of [[Ringbearers]] this Earth somehow disappeared from interdimensional contact until the events chronicled in [[Tales of the Ringbearers]]: [[Artifact]] by [[Legendeld]]. It is 1000 years after their cataclysmic war with the Ringbearers that Counterpoint is once again located through accident by a salvage team.
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'''Daria-1130''': The universe of [[Losers No More]] by [[Shiva]]. In this universe [[Graham|Graham Alexander]] of [[Grove Hills]] figured out that Daria and Jodie were right and reconnects with [[David|David Bentley]], then later are forced to transfer to Lawndale High to escape reprisals. The designation comes from the time at night in which Graham has his revelation, 11:30 PM.
'''Daria-1132''': The universe of [[Jane's Comedic Parody Chronicles]] by [[TheBrodsterBoy]]. whichIt diverges during season 3, giving Jane the spotlight. The Zon was also shutdown in this timeline due to various factors, and was replaced by another club called The Salted Wound. Ms Li is also a North Korean Agent. This is also the homeverse of Brodster, part of the 'Brodster and Smiley' duo, who travel the multiverse in search of fun and vodka, and also to mess shit up. The name comes from the authors two lucky numbers.
'''Daria-1134''': This universe of [[Daria the Invincible]] by [[TheBrodsterBoy]]. Originally only notable for containing a version of Andrea who is a serial killer, this universes Daria turned out to be literally invincible, a fact which was first discovered by "Brodster and Smiley" who attempted to profit off it. This led to the eventual destruction of it by a unstable Judith clone and a blackhole, but its primary inhabitant remains, floating in the interuniversal void, waiting to be rediscovered. The name is due to it being found first by Brodster and Smiley, and this universes relative proximity to their HQ.
'''Daria-1147''': The universe of [[Scarlett the Dark Fairy]], created by [[Aloysius]]. A near duplicate of Daria-234, the main difference is that the fairy known as [[Scarlett (character)|Scarlett]] in this universe has a more villainous bent. She still gets in as much trouble as her counterpart, however.
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'''Daria-1892''': The universe of [[Shadows of a Timeless Song]] by [[Dennis]]. Professor J.R.R. Tolkien was born in 1892 and his work is the first to appear in the Dariaverse of this multiple [[crossover]] story.
'''Daria-1926''': The universe of [[Minds Touched by Madness]], a crossover with "The Call of Cthulhu" written by [[WellTemperedClavier]]. Eldritch beasties be here.
'''Daria-1932''': The universe of the story [http://www.thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=30180 Import/Export] by [[Brian Taylor (author)|Brian Taylor]] and the opening scenes of the [[Judith Strikes]] story [http://www.thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=29972 Closing Ceremony] by [[Erin Mills]]. The designation has two meanings: "Import/Export" is set in 1932, while the kidnapping of six month old Daria Elizabeth Morgendorffer in "Closing Ceremony" was inspired by the Lindbergh Kidnapping, which took place in 1932.
'''Daria-1935''': The universe of an AU set in 1935 (hence the designation) in [[Getting By]] by [[EntrancedCat]].
'''Daria-1941''': The WWII [[retrofic]] universe of [[Infamy]] and [[Lady Lex]] by [[Richard Lobinske]]. The United States entered the war in 1941.
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'''Daria 2001''': A universe encountered in the story "[[Three]]," that includes [[Veronica Morgendorffer]] and in which Daria is deaf. Events happen in the year 2001, their time.
'''Daria-2002''': A universe of [[Daria In Morrowind]] by [[WellTemperedClavier]]. It is not known what number (if any) this universe has in an equivalent Elder Scrolls Multiverse, or if there even is such a multiverse. The designation comes from the year of Morrowind's release.
'''Daria-2007''': The universe in which [[HolyGrail2007|HolyGrail2007's]] [[Finn Morgendorffer]] alternate-reality series takes place. The designation comes from the creator's own chosen designation.
'''Daria-2012''': The universe of [[Robert Nowall|Robert Nowall's]] [[Daria: 2010]] continuum. Oddly enough, the [[series]] name is not the obvious one, as the first scene starts in the 2012 Spring Semester.
'''Daria-2014''': The universe in which [[WellTemperedClavier]]'s [[High School Never Ends]] and [[Search Engine Obfuscation]] take place. The number comes from the year in which the first story was written.
'''Daria-2018''': The universe that is home to [[Rose Norstein]] an OC written by [[LinnOfTheWoods]] who befriends [[Daria]] and eventually marries [[Trent]].
'''Daria-2032''': The universe of [[Brian Taylor (author)|Brian Taylor's]] [http://thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=29678 Politricks are Not for Kids]. Events occur in the year 2032, during the last year of Tom Sloane's first term as President of the United States.
'''Daria-2036''': The universe of [[Walter Kovacs|Walter Kovacs']] [[The 180 Degree Turn]] alternate universe crossover serial. Events occur in the year 2036, so this number was chosen.
'''Daria-2112''': The [[punkverse]], which contains [[Charles RB|Charles RB's]] [[God Save The Esteem]] and [[Brian Taylor (author)|Brian Taylor]]'s [[Moving Pictures]]. Moving Pictures was named for one of Rush's best-known albums, so the universe is named for one of the band's best-known songs; this ironically means the Punkverse has been named for an album antithetical to all that punk stood for.
'''Daria-2172''': The universe of [[Jim North|Jim North's]] [[Daria: Hunter]] series, in which Daria and Jane are bounty hunters. The main storyline of the series takes place in the latter half of the year 2172.
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'''Daria-6598''': The universe of [[Invisigoth Gypsy|Invisigoth Gypsy's]] [[IVG Continuum]]. The first story in the continuum is dated "6-5-98."
'''Daria-8196''': The universe of the ''Saturday Night Live'' skit "Arya": a crossover parody between ''Daria'' and ''Game of Thrones'' where an amalgamation of Arya Stark and Daria Morgendorrfer attends Lawndale and kills [[Kevin Thompson]]. George R.R. Martin's ''A Song of Ice and Fire'' was published on August 1st, 1996.
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'''Daria-9194-C''': The universe of the [[Beavis and Butt-head (comics)|''Beavis and Butt-head'' comic book]]. This is also an official [[Marvel Universe]], featuring the publisher's superhero characters and comic creators. Any such Marvel designation is unknown.
'''Daria-9194-J''': The universe of [[TAG|TAG's]] "[[JörmungandrJÖRMUNGANDR]]" (see '''Daria-9194''', above).
'''Daria-9204''': The universe of [[TAG|TAG's]] "[[It Slipped Through My Hands, Like a Shadow, Like a Dream]]." Daria is born mentally retarded (her IQ now two standard deviations below normal, instead of two above), and is cared for by her aunt [[Amy Barksdale]]. Significant changes occur in the timelines of the [[Beavis and Butt-head]] universe as well as Daria's own as a result. The title of the story comes from a line in a translation of ''The Odyssey'' by Homer (book XI, line 204), when Odysseus attempts to grasp the spirit of his dead mother.
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'''Daria-11304''': The universe of [[Guy "Decelaraptor" Payne|Guy "Decelaraptor" Payne's]] alternate version of "Daria-32004", [[Tallil]]. The story takes place the day after the 2004 elections, November 3.
'''Daria-11891''': The universe of "[[Burn the Rain]]" by ThePatchedVest. This earth is near identical to "Daria-101", diverging in that the events are told from the perspective of [[Burnout Girl]] and are reworked to be told along a stricter timeline: setting all events between September 1998 and July 2001. Numerous elements from ''[[Beavis and Butt-head (TV series)|Beavis and Butthead]], [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Downtown_(1999_TV_series) Downtown], [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_Space Office Space], [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airheads Airheads]'' and the first four seasons of ''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_of_the_Hill King of the Hill]'' are also considered to be canon to this earth. This universe's abbreviated designation of "'''D-11891'''" is a cypher that spells "D-ARIA".
'''Daria-12337''': A universe mentioned in [[A Fistful of Scarletts]] by [[Aloysius]]. It is the home of 17-year-old [[Scarlett (character)|Scarlett LeFaye]].