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==="Dye! Dye! My Darling"===
In the episode "[[Dye! Dye! My Darling]]", Daria accidentally walks in on Tom and Jane kissing. Later, when Daria tells Jane she does not want to dye her hair out of fear of messing it up, Jane suspects that Daria has an ulterior motive regarding Tom. However, Daria ''insists'' that it is only because she does not want to mess up her hair. When Daria accidentally botches the job, Jane instantly accuses Daria of messing it up on purpose as an attempt to try and steal Tom from her. In a car ride with Trent, Jane realizes that Daria probably wasn't the best choice for the job and had only done it because Jane insisted. Later at Casa Lane, Daria assures Jane that she did not mean to mess it up on purpose. When Jane asks about Tom, and whether Daria is interested in him, or even if they had kissed, Daria flatly denies it. Jane accepts her apology and tries to get things back to normal. Later that evening, Tom parks in front of Daria's house and asks Daria to have a talk about their situation. Daria quickly rebuffs him, claiming they have no "situation" and that Tom was putting an edge between her and Jane. Tom and Daria both try to push each other off out of their own denial, despite it being obvious that they like each other—and, in the heat of the moment, they kiss...twice. Daria, feeling the weight of what she had done, tells Jane at school. Jane then storms off and heads straight to Tom's house, scolding him in the process. Tom and Jane talk about their situation on an old swing set in Tom's back yard, in which they officially break up. When Jane asks Tom if he was going out with her just to get to Daria, Tom quickly rebuffs her, saying he looks up to Jane. Meanwhile Daria, who is in distress and has no one to talk to, shows up unannounced at [[Helen Morgendorffer|Helen]]'s office and the two discuss Daria's dilemma over coffee. Later, Jane heads over to Daria's to talk about the Tom situation. There, Jane tells Daria that she and Tom broke up. Jane, who is still emotionally under Daria's betrayal, reluctantly suggests that Daria go out with Tom. When Daria asks Jane if they are still friends, Jane responds: "''We're the kind of friends who can't stand the sight of each other''". However, Jane hopes that things won't be like this for long.
'''Daria''': Good. Because I'm not interested in you, and I'd be stabbing my friend in the back if I even considered it.
''Tom'': Exactly. And what kind of a jerk would that make me?
'''Daria''': Exactly.
'''Tom''': All right then.
'''Daria''': Okay.
''(Tom suddenly leans over and kisses Daria, who seems to enjoy it... until she finally comprehends what she's doing)''
'''Daria''': Dammit! Dammit, dammit, dammit!
'''Tom''': I liked it, too.
'''Daria''': That's not funny!
'''Tom''': I know.
''(she and Tom then engage in another lip-lock, this time deliberately)''
'''Tom''': That was definitely not funny.
'''Daria''': I gotta go!
Daria, feeling the weight of what she had done, tells Jane at school. Jane then storms off and heads straight to Tom's house, scolding him in the process. Tom and Jane talk about their situation on an old swing set in Tom's back yard, in which they officially break up. When Jane asks Tom if he was going out with her just to get to Daria, Tom quickly rebuffs her, saying he looks up to Jane. Meanwhile Daria, who is in distress and has no one to talk to, shows up unannounced at [[Helen Morgendorffer|Helen]]'s office and the two discuss Daria's dilemma over coffee. Later, Jane heads over to Daria's to talk about the Tom situation. There, Jane tells Daria that she and Tom broke up. Jane, who is still emotionally under Daria's betrayal, reluctantly suggests that Daria go out with Tom. When Daria asks Jane if they are still friends, Jane responds: "''We're the kind of friends who can't stand the sight of each other''". However, Jane hopes that things won't be like this for long.
[[Image:Thekiss.gif|thumb|right|280px|[[The Kiss]] was the culmination of Tomgate ("[[Dye! Dye! My Darling]]")]]
