Burn the Rain: Difference between revisions

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[[File:BurnoutDTTLBurnoutSmoke.png|300px200px|thumb|left|Jennifer 'Kristi' Burns]]
===Main Characters===
*'''[[Burnout Girl|Jennifer 'Kristi' Burns]]''': The infamous 'Burnout Girl', Kristi is a rather reticent and cynical young girl, she can often be found drifting in thought, lost in music or nose-deep in a book. Despite her sharp wit and insightfulness, Kristi struggles to openly express herself as a result of severe anxiety and depression, instead opting for mumbles and simple answers. Unfortunately, she often finds her only ailment to these stressors in brash, impulsive behaviors and frequent substance abuse to keep functioning. As an only child, Kristi lives with her soft-spoken and hard-working father, who she has had a strained relationship with since her mother’s death. After several years, the pair made the decision to move out-of-state from her childhood home in [https://kingofthehill.fandom.com/wiki/Arlen Arlen], to the Appalachian town of [[Lawndale]] in hopes of a fresh start for each other.
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BurnoutAltLogo.png|Alternate Logo
BurnoutKeyArt.png|Key Art
BurnoutDTTL.png|Kristi in her bedroom.