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Living Dead Girls: Difference between revisions

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Winifred and Wesley of Angel Investigations (And Wolfram and Hart LA) are in the process of breifing Angel on how Illyria is overloading and how they intend to use a mutari generator to dump the blast energy into another universe when Illyria, unable to get anything useful out of Willow, abducts Winifred dumping Willow at Wesley's feet.
Willow and Wesley contact Faith and Tiffany, and Willow uses a spell to teleport the equipment to them so they can ambush Illyria, except Faith and Tiffany are unable to carry out the mission, they decide they need the help of someone smart, and about the only person Tiffany can suggest is this brunette haired girl with glasses, usually dressed in heavy boots, black pleated skirt, a green jacket and orange teeshirt who doesn't make friends that easilly.
A girl who also happens to be someone Tiffany earlier tortured nad whose friend Tiffany was trying to kill.
After a short round of trading where Faith gave a load of apologies and Daria gave a load of imrpovised explosive devices, Daria and Faith hammered out an agreement where Daria carries out the mission for them and saves the world.
The episode ends with Illyria less able (no longer able to walk through dimensions, speed or slow time, or talk to plants), Jane rooming with a vampire (that's) batshit, and Tiffany flying to meet Giles at the Watcher's Council for a debreif.
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