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==Relevant Links==
*[http://www.geocities.comws/ozdariacon/ OzDariaCon Homehomepage page(last updated 2001)]
*[http://floopyboo.deviantart.com DeviantArt page containing Tafka's fanart and fics]

Revision as of 18:04, 17 July 2013

Tafka the Dragon (also known as Floopyboo) is a one of the most colorful and longest sustaining member of the Daria community. She is notoriously abrasive and quick to blow up, but she has become constant worker in the Daria community looking for ways to strengthen our bonds as a group and ourselves as people. She is prickly and hard to get to know. She is also described as refreshingly honest. If that scares you, maybe it should.

Contributions to the Daria Community

An artist, a writer and a general LOUD voice, Tafka has had her hands in a lot of places in fandom since the middle of 2000, starting with...

Cynic Magazine

Tafka started Cynic in October 2000 . Originally called BC Newz, the magazine was a light read with reviews and a serial fanfic, and up-to-date information on the ABC and what their intentions were with the show. Padded Walls began as an homage to Cynic. It is not the same, although it was intended to be.


Tafka hosted the first OzDariaCon on the 20th & 21st of January of 2001, in Brisbane, Qld. There have been ODCs held annually since. The most recent ODC to date coincided with Lew’s and Tafka's wedding on the 3rd of March 2007.

Mental In The Morning

Established on August 2003, Mental In The Morning is a private forum on the SFMB dedicated as a support group to those members of fandom who need it.

Writings and Art

Tafka has authored a hand full of fics and ficlets. The most notable of which can be found at her Deviant art profile in the link below. Her work is virtually unique for a frequent use of Andrea as the main character in a serious manner.

Tafka also critique's other people’s writings and artworks, on request. Those who have found her critique helpful have maintained a strong relationship with her over the years.

Daria Blandom Blog

Tafka is an enthusiastic contributor to the Daria Blandom Blog


Lew and Tafka got married on the 10th Anniversary of Daria. They didn’t actually plan it that way. They’d originally planned to get married on the 6th Anniversary of OzDariaCon – the 20th of January, but decided it was way too hot to do it then, and so picked a date they though would be cooler. They found out that the date we’d picked was the big day for Daria fans just as we were finishing up the last of the invites.

Relationship with Fandom

Taf has a love-hate relationship with fandom. You either love her or you hate her. There is no inbetween.

Relevant Links