Tales from the Burbs: Difference between revisions

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When “Tales from the ‘Burbs” launched it contained 5 stories. Milo and Kara Wild wrote one “tale” each, and Thomas wrote three. A quick synopsis of each story follows, in the order they appeared in the issue.
“The Braineating Football Player” by Thomas. Kevin is having a problem maintaining his grades, and that might cause him to lose his place on the football team. However, with the help of Andrea, Kevin finally get asa brain, or two, only to discover that in this modern world, one must take extra care with ones diet…
“Hearts of Lawndale” by Milo. Poor Stacy is the girl who has “loved and lost and loved and lost” so many times, that when she meets her special someone, she makes a deal with Andrea and sells her soul to the devil and (quite literally) wins her young mans heart.
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