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[[Lawndale High]] is organizing a paintball trip joining the History, Language and Sciences classes, soin [[Anthonyorder DeMartino]]to railsstudy abouthow warfare inimpacts class,on takingall pleasureaspects inof his student’s answersculture. That evening, [[DariaAnthony Morgendorffer|DariaDeMartino]] andchecks [[Quinnthat Morgendorffer|Quinn]]the agreestudents notknow towhy tell theirand parentsputs aboutout the tripcall butfor Quinnparent cannotvolunteers; helphe blabbingalso atgets theKevin dinnerto table."stay [[Helenclose Morgendorffer|Helen]]to isme" interestedwhen andthey wantsget to gothe butpaintball herrange, offergiving isa refusedtruly bysinister bothlaugh herwhen daughtersKevin agrees...
That evening, [[Daria Morgendorffer|Daria]] and [[Quinn Morgendorffer|Quinn]] agree not to tell their parents about the trip. Unfortunately, the [[Fashion Club]] put Quinn in charge of developing a hairstyle that will "prevent helmet hair": under extreme pressure from [[Helen Morgendorffer|Helen]]'s mild interest in the new look, Quinn holds out for a full five seconds before she blabs the whole thing. [[Helen Morgendorffer|Helen]] is interested, seeing this as a way for Daria to network and gain letters of recommendation for college; Daria resists this claim and Helen tries to get Jake to help her, only for him to remember "forgot to fix that loose floorboard at the other end of the house!" before she can actually say ''what'' she needs his help for. A weary Helen decides that she should probably talk to the teachers directly to be an involved parent, and asks if they need parent volunteers for the field trip. "NO!", cry her daughters, to Helen's clear relief.
The next day, the classes travel to [[Jim's Paintballing Jungle]] on buses. In the first bus, [[Timothy O'Neill|O'Neill]] tries to have everybody singing until DeMartino takes over and starts a lecture on guerilla warfare; [[Jane Lane|Jane]] tries to convince Daria to ditch the game and go see the “Great White Shark” exposition; [[Brittany Taylor|Brittany]], [[Kevin Thompson|Kevin]], [[Jodie Landon|Jodie]] and Mack pass the time trying to play games. In the other bus, the [[Fashion Club]] members swear not shoot each other, while the 3 J's vow to protect Quinn during the game, to [[Sandi Griffin|Sandi’s]] displeasure. Upon arriving, Daria and Quinn have a surprise: Helen and Jake are present, having volunteered for the game.
[[Image:DeMartino AHAHA.jpg|thumb|left|250px|"AHAHAHAHA!"]]
The party arrives and, after a presentation of the field by Jim, students and adults combine in two teams: in the blue team, DeMartino addresses his team members about warfare and pain before stating they should all just shoot their adversaries. In the red team, O'Neill gives a sensitive speech before being scared off by some air shots fired by [[Janet Barch|Barch]]. The situation is then taken in hand by Brittany, who surprises everybody when she presents a detailed strategy to win the game.
The next day, the classes travel to [[Jim's Paintballing Jungle]] on buses. In the first bus, [[Timothy O'Neill|O'Neill]] tries to have everybody singing, much to the disgust of everyone else, untilso DeMartino takes over and starts a lecture on guerilla warfare;. [[Jane Lane|Jane]] tries to convince Daria to ditch the game and go see the “Great“[[Great White Shark”Shark]]” expositiontourist attraction; Daria protests "it'll be stupid and we're already doing something stupid". [[Brittany Taylor|Brittany]], and [[Kevin Thompson|Kevin]], try to get [[Jodie Landon|Jodie]] and [[Mack]] to play games with them to pass the time trying("Monopoly tois playnot gamesa word game"),and Kevin accidentally tells Brittany that he's been dating someone behind her back. In the other bus, the [[Fashion Club]] members swear on an issue of ''[[Waif]]'' not shoot each other on pain of wearing ugly outfits for a whole week, while the 3 J's vow to protect Quinn during the game, to [[Sandi Griffin|Sandi’s]] displeasure. Upon arriving, Daria and Quinn have a surprise: Helen and Jake are present, having volunteered for the game.
The game starts and the members disperse: Jane is quickly shot; Daria wanders around, wangsting, is ambushed by her mother (who loses interest when taking a phone call from Eric) and is later shot by Jane; elsewhere on the field, Quinn, Stacy and Tiffany are discussing boys and girlfriends when they spot and attack a lonely figure, who shots back. That person is revealed to be Sandi, who had been looking for a bathroom and scolds at the FC for breaking their oath.
Upon arriving, Daria and Quinn have a surprise: Helen and Jake are present as volunteers. It turns out that when O'Neill called about a student review meeting, Helen had asked if they needed volunteers for paintballing in order to seem 'involved'. O'Neill wishes all parents could be this involved! (Helen laughs nervously) As her peers turn to laugh at her, Daria decides the shark is looking good after all.
Meanwhile, DeMartino and Kevin approach the enemy0s flag but are surprised by Brittany, who shoots Kevin and then bare-handedly disarms the teacher (in an incredible display of martial arts). Barch also appears at the scene and starts shooting the history teacher while ranting about her ex-husband.
[[Image:Daria mocked DariaHunter.jpg|thumb|right|290px|"AHHHHH HA HA!"]]
As this happens, Daria and Jane decide to ditch the paintball and go visit the “Great White Shark”. It starts to rain as they walk there so they reach it soaked. The woman who runs the museum proceeds to tell them about the shark in a tell tale very similar to “Jaws”. The two students listen for a while, get bored and leave when the rain stops.
The party arrives and, after a presentation of the field by Jim, students and adults combine in two teams: in the blue team, DeMartino addresses his team members about warfare and pain before stating theythat shouldthe aim of the allgame justis "shoot theirto adversarieskill". Daria points out it's to capture the flag; "whatever", says DeMartino. In the red team, O'Neill gives a sensitive speech (a sighing Helen checks her watch) before being scared off by some air shots fired by [[Janet Barch|Barch]]. The situation is then taken in hand by Brittany, who surprises everybody when she presents a detailed strategy to win the game.
At the paintball field, the rain has abridged the game. In a tent, Barch raves about her ex-husband to a sympathetic O'Neill. She is so touched by his sensibility that she starts making out with him. In another tent, DeMartino and Jake reminisce about childhood and discover they both had gone to military school. Helen and Angela Li share another tent and quickly antagonize each other when they talk about age and education.
The game starts without warning ("the men are shooting!" cries a panicked Barch) and the members disperse: Jane is quickly shot and cares not a jot; Daria wanders around, wangsting war-movie style, is ambushed by her mother (who loses interest when taking a phone call from Eric) and is then shot by Jane so they can both leave the game.
The students relax in a dilapidated building: Jodie, Mack and others dance, Kevin and Brittany make out in a couch and Quinn is courted by the 3 J's. Sandi, observing this group, seeks and gets reassurance by Tiffany that she is still the cutest of the Fashion Club. However, when she leaves the building to go to a bathroom, her resentment is still showing and she plays with the idea of shooting an unprotected Quinn with a paintball gun. As this happens, Tiffany makes a face-turn and reassures Quinn she is the cutest of the fashion club.
Elsewhere on the field, Quinn, Stacy and Tiffany are discussing boys when Stacy spots a lone figure and asks Quinn if it's Daria. Quinn unleashes an unstoppable barrage! Stacy and Tiffany cheer ("our leader!") while Quinn smirks at the sight of Daria paint-spattered... unfortunately, she'd actually shot ''Sandi'', who had been looking for a bathroom, and Sandi ignores the rules and returns fire. It's a few seconds of combat before everyone has realised what has happened, and the mutual recriminations lead to Sandi asking if ''Quinn'' would be President of the Fashion Club. Quinn laughs that off and says she could never replace Sandi... honest... and the two began to glare at each other suspiciously.
When the rain stops, adults and students meet by the buses to return: all are present except for the Morgendorffers, who ended up inside the maze tunnels, and Sandi, who is still in her bathroom break and misses the buses.
[[Image:Sinister Quinn.jpg|thumb|left|250px|Quinn after thinking she shot ''Daria''....]]
Meanwhile, DeMartino and Kevin approach the enemy0senemy's flag but are surprised by Brittany, who shoots Kevin and then bare-handedly disarms the teacher (in an incredible display of martial arts). Barch also appears at the scene and, startsto shootingthe horror of the watching students, repeatedly shoots the history teacher while ranting about her ex-husband - she knows DeMartino ''isn't'' her ex-husband "but he's not here!".
As this happens, Daria and Jane decide to ditch the paintball and go visit the “Great White Shark”. It starts to rain as they walk there so they reach it soaked. The[[Jordana]], the woman who runs the museum proceeds to tell them about the shark in a tell tale very similar to “Jaws”. The two students listen for a while, get bored and leave when the rain stops.
At the paintball field, the rain has abridged the game. In a tent, Barch raves about her ex-husband to a sympathetic O'Neill. She is so touched by his sensibility that she starts making out with him. In another tent, DeMartino and Jake reminisce about childhood (and get drunk) and discover they both had gone to military school. Helen and Angela Li share another tent and quicklymanage to bond, only to antagonize each other when they talkstart aboutdiscussing ageDaria; both try to blame each other for Daria's attitude and educationafter a pissed off Helen says Li runs her school like a prison, an enraged Li storms out of the tent while hissing "and by the way, ''you look FIFTY!''".
The students relax in a dilapidated building marked as "Hanoi Hilton": Jodie, Mack and others dance, Kevin and Brittany make out in a couch and Quinn is courted by the 3 J's. Sandi, observing this group, seeks and gets reassurance by Tiffany that she is still the cutest of the Fashion Club. However, when she leaves the building to go to a bathroom, her resentment is still showing and she playsprepares withto the idea of shootingshoot an unprotected Quinn with a paintball gun, stopping only because Tiffany is blocking her shoot. AsWhat thisSandi happens,doesn't know is that Tiffany makesis making a face-turn and reassuresreassuring Quinn that ''she'' is the cutest of the fashion club.
When the rain stops, adults and students meet by the buses to return: all are present except for the Morgendorffers, who ended up inside the maze tunnels (and who unknowingly had their car's distributor cap stolen by a vengeful Li), and Sandi, who is still in her bathroom break. Quinn, who saw Sandi going to the bathroom (and missesplotted to shoot her), tells O'Neill that they're ''definately'' all present, and a horrified Sandi runs after the departing buses to no avail, while Quinn watches...
==“The Daria Hunter” and Fanfic==