The Padded Walls

From DariaWiki

Note: For the fanfiction story by Angelinhel, see Padded Walls.

The Padded Walls was a fan-run magazine that lasted for one issue in 2003.

The fan 'zine began with the noble intention of alerting people to Daria who did not frequent the Internet. Several fans joined the staff, expecting a fun collaborative experience. Instead, the fan magazine's run was often marked by confusion and strife. During the course of the first issue, the fan magazine's name changed from Cynic to The Padded Walls, the name under which the first issue would be released.

Once the first issue was released, The Padded Walls staff could not reach agreement on a distribution plan for the fan magazine, so it is doubtful that many beyond the Internet saw the first issue. Milo Minderbinder created a home base for the second issue, complete with a message board. Though the staff managed to create enough content for a second issue, one of the staffers trusted with assembling the magazine disappeared without word one day, never to return. Left in a bind, the remaining staffers finally ended up posting much of the content, such as the essay, "Anatomy of a Tom Hater," on pre-existing Daria websites.