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The Parents Are At Rest

From DariaWiki

The 28th story in the Falling Into College series by Richard Lobinske. The story occurs during mid-August, 2000.


On vacation and facing an empty nest when Quinn departs for California, Helen remembers the births of her daughters. Quinn meets with the old Fashion Club to say goodbye to them. Sandi will be going to Northern Coastal State, Stacy will attend Lawndale Community College, plus race cars, and Tiffany has started local modeling. During this, Sandi asks Daria for help to get even with Linda and presents a folded paper, presumably evidence of some wrongdoing. Daria convinces her to be a better person and destroy the letter, since she had it only to hurt Linda. Daria tells Michael that she's concerned about her parents, that without children at home, their marriage will either get closer, or fall apart. She also hopes that they can find some of their old idealism, like Jake had started to do after working with Jodie. Daria and Michael depart for Boston and Quinn departs for a four-day drive to Pepperhill University in California, where Quinn meets her roommate, Fran Lawrence.

External Links[edit]

The Parents Are At Rest at Outpost Daria (via Wayback Machine)

The Parents Are At Rest at Lessons From Lawndale

Preceded by
Lost Eagles Found
Falling Into College Stories
"The Parents Are At Rest"
(Fall 2000)
Succeeded by
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