The World According to Daria: Difference between revisions

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These days rocketing oil prices have Americans concerned and chagrined. With the high cost of heating oil increasingly forcing families to burn their youngest child for warmth (hey, money is money), Washington is talking about all things crude, and for once they don't mean interns in thong underwear. Will we be forever at the mercy of oil-rich OPEC countries like Saudi Arabia, which has initiated its own energy-saving innovation by forbidding women to drive cars? Will we be forced to return to the ugliness of the gas lines of the 1970s, as we've been forced to return to the ugliness of the fashions of the 1970s?
Naturally, people look for easy answers: cold fusion and perpetual motion machines to the rescue! These are fun ways to defy well-established laws of physics and delude yourself at the same time - just ask [[Jake Morgendorffer|my Dad]], who is currently tinkering in the basement with a broken microwave and some plastic straws. Personally I think we'd be better off hooking [[Helen MordendorfferMorgendorffer|Mom]] up to a treadmill, but first she'd have to come home from work.
Anyway, in an effort to help lessen our nation's dependence on foreign oil, I pledge to follow these energy-saving tips: