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'''Shapeshifting:''' The signature ability of Therian Thirty, each Agent has the ability to transform into two forms; a lupine-humanoid form and a bestial, lycanthropic form. In all forms, the Agent is capable of bipedal locomotion, hand-to-hand combat, has access to their full mental facilities and is capable of speech. In lupine-humanoid form, Agents are capable of performing all normal human functions and activities, and of wearing any normal outfits, gear, protective outs, etc, as they would in normal form. All Agents have a unique shading and/or patterning to their fur which makes them recognizable to others. Most Therian Agents prefer to operate only in the lupine-humanoid form, as transfoming to the lycanthrope form is '''incredibly''' painful.
'''Uncontrolled Transformation:''' Due to the nature of the nanites in a Therian Agent's augmented physiology, the nanite saturation level in their bodies drops to a critical level once every thirty days as the TRAPD solution increases by the same amount. The Agent's body takes 24 to 72 hours to compensate and return to normal - but during this period, the Agent will transform into lycanthrope form and is unable to change back or stop the transformation. Only use of the Wolfsbane Potion can allow full retention and control of an Agent's mental state at this time; however, it is '''strongly recommended''' that the Agent be sequestered during this period. Excess amounts of the solution are reduced through elimination of bodily wastes (specifically through urination); sequestration often involves being contained in areas with thermal controls, so that the Agent will feel a need to consume greater amounts of fluid and excrete, thereby reducing the length of compensation time (full thermal therapy can reduce the time period from eight to twenty-four hours, depending on the heat levels the agent is subjected to and teh amount of fluid he consumes and excretes).
In 'free-range' Therians (see below), the same process occurs, but the excess amounts of the solution are reduced through elimination of bodily wastes (specifically through urination).
'''Enhanced Physical Abilities:''' Agents can lift up to two tons in human form, and between five to ten tons in their other forms. They are also supremly agile (able to land on their feet even from great heights or run at full speed on wires), and possess endurance far beyond any human or most metahumans.