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'''Enhanced Physical Abilities:''' Agents can lift up to two tons in human form, and between five to ten tons in their other forms. They are also supremly agile (able to land on their feet even from great heights or run at full speed on wires), and possess endurance far beyond any muman or most metahumans.
'''Enhanced Senses:''' An Agent’s five senses are superior to normal humans, and have far more sensitive olfactory sences than a Nightbreed. Only a supreme effort at erasing the trail can evade an Agent’s attempt to track a person he/she has the scent of.
Enhanced Speed: In all forms, Therian Agents can move at up to seventy MPH until they choose to rest.
'''Hyper-Leaping:''' Agents can leap up to 300 feet up or across an area (from a standing position), or down from heights of up to 500 feet without injury.
'''Fangs and Claws:''' Agents can extend their incisors, toenails and fingernails; they can use them to do slashing damage, can climb walls and other surfaces, or hang from ceilings and trees.