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(Created page with "(opening theme song) (at Lawndale High, in Mr. DeMartino's class) Mr. DeMartino - And on that fateful day, his followers obediently drank the poison brew. (students react w...")
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(opening theme song)
(opening theme song)

(on the streets of downtown Lawndale, Kevin stands on the sidewalk, his face in "ugly" makeup; he attempts to greet various passers-by, but no matter how animated and insistent he becomes, they all ignore him, until finally...)
(at Lawndale High, in Mr. DeMartino's class)

Kevin - Aw, man!
Mr. DeMartino - And on that fateful day, his followers obediently drank the poison brew.

(at Lawndale High)
(students react with various "whoas" and "wows")

(Sandi is talking to Joey, Jeffy, and Jamie in the hallway)
Mr. DeMartino - Jonestown: one charismatic leader exerting his demonic will over scores of followers. What lesson can we take from this tragic example of herd-like behavior? Kevin?

Sandi - So I said, "Sure, it's a nice car. Do you have enough gas to get to Loserville?"
Kevin - Uh... BYOB?

(the boys laugh)
Mr. DeMartino - Please return to your stupor, Kevin...

Joey - That's funny, Sandi!
Kevin - Okay!

Jeffy - You really know how to tell a story.
Mr. DeMartino - ...while we continue our discussion of cults! Can anyone give me another example of a group using coercive techniques such as peer pressure, chanting, and social isolation to achieve control over its members? Brittany?

Sandi - Thanks.
Brittany - Cheerleading?

Jamie - Tell us about the part with Quinn again.
Mr. DeMartino - Ah, Brittany. Sometimes, despite a complete lack of insight, you stumble upon an interesting answer.

Sandi - Quinn wasn't in that story. It was me, Tiffany, and Stacy.
Brittany - Wow, and I didn't even have to read the chapter!

Joey - Well, then, take Stacy out and put Quinn in.
Jane - She'll never have to worry about mind control.

(Quinn approaches)
Daria - No, but she'll have to watch out for ferrets building a nest in her head.

Quinn - Hi, guys! Hi, Sandi! Hi, Joey, hi, Jeffy, hi, Johnny.
Mr. DeMartino - Now remember, your term papers are due Friday, and no excuses will be accepted.

Joey - Hi, Quinn!
(bell rings)

Jeffy - Hi, Quinn!
(in the hallway, Quinn is talking with a blond-haired boy)

Jamie - Hi, Quinn! It's Jamie.
Ronnie - You want me to take over your baby-sitting job? I'm not sure, Quinn.

Quinn - Hi, Sandi...
Quinn - Please? Just this once. You're the only person I can trust to do this, Ronnie. I can tell by your eyes...

(Sandi pointedly snubs her, then notices a crowd of girls paying attention to something and quietly murmuring approval)
Ronnie - Really?

Sandi - Oh.
Quinn - Yeah! They're so... sincere!

(Sandi walks toward the crowd)
Ronnie - Well...

Joey - So, Quinn, I was wondering if...
Quinn - And your face, it's very... honest! You're so nice, and dependable, and...

Quinn - No. (follows Sandi)
Ronnie - Nice? Sincere? (sighs) You're never gonna go out with me, are you?

(when both girls approach, they notice that the crowd is admiring a girl who's gotten a nose job)
Quinn - No.

Stacy - Oh, it's so cute!
(cut to Daria and Jane walking down the hallway)

Tiffany - It's the cutest.
Jane - Hey, there's Quinn with one of her many admirers.

Brooke - You think so? I told Dr. Shar...
Daria - She's well liked among classmates of both sexes, and yet, strangely, she turns my stomach.

Tiffany - Oh, Dr. Shar, she's the best.
Quinn - Well, I...

Stacy - Everybody uses her.
(Daria and Jane approach Quinn)

Brooke - I told Dr. Shar that I wanted cute, but you know, not too cute.
Daria - Quinn, some guy named Skylar was looking for you this morning.

Sandi - It's not too cute. It's cute, but not obnoxious about it.
Quinn - Oh, no! He figured out you're my sister?

Brooke - What do you think, Quinn?
Daria - Actually, he seemed to think I was your au pair. He asked me how I liked America so far.

Quinn - People are so weird!
(Quinn examines Brooke's nose)

Quinn - It's cute.
Daria - Some are weird. Some are just astonishingly self-centered and deceitful.

Brooke - Just cute?
Jane - Later.

Sandi - Quinn has very high nose standards.
(Daria and Jane leave; Quinn makes a face at them)

Quinn - I said it was cute!
Ronnie - Skylar Feldman?

Quinn - His family has a boat. It's almost summer!
Sandi - Oh, like you meant it. "Oh, it's cute."

Quinn - Well, at least I thought about it. I didn't just say it was cute without thinking.
Ronnie - Yeah, right. Ask him to baby sit for you.

Sandi - Excuse me? Are you saying we're shallow?
Quinn - But he can't go out with me if he's baby-sitting.

Brooke - Wait, you guys were just saying it was cute?
Ronnie - Then try your sister. She seems like the type who has plenty of Saturday nights free.

Sandi - No, Quinn's just so deep, she thinks we would say something's cute when it's not cute, which we wouldn't.
(at the Morgendorffer house)

Tiffany - No way.
(Daria and Quinn are seated on the sofa; Daria is watching television, Quinn is painting her toenails)

Sandi - Example: I would never tell Quinn that she looks cute in that thing she always wears.
SSW Announcer - They bake cookies by day, but they really heat up the night! G-string grandmas, today on Sick, Sad World.

Quinn - I don't have a "thing" that I always wear.
Quinn - Gross!

Sandi - If you say so.
Daria - For once, we're in agreement.

Quinn - I have lots of things which I wear at different times, far apart in time.
Quinn - This color looks nothing like melon. It's way too pink. Oh, hey, Daria? What are you doing Saturday night?

Sandi - As you wish.
Daria - Forget it. I don't like kids. I didn't even like kids when I was a kid.

Quinn - But you gotta take my baby-sitting job! I could end up all summer on some public beach. Six bucks an hour!
Quinn - You're just mad because I said you're shallow. Which I meant in some other way!

Brooke - So then, it is cute?
Daria - Oooh. I could make a down payment on that isolated mountain cabin.

Sandi - Let's ask an average person. Quinn, there's that girl you know. Let's ask her. (starts waving) Hello! Quinn's cousin or something.
Quinn - I'll pay you a two dollar an hour bonus. You can do your homework and earn money at the same time.

(down the hallway, Daria and Jane are talking; they look to see Sandi waving for Daria to approach, and Quinn crossing her arms to tell Daria not to approach)
Daria - Well, there is that history paper I haven't started yet. But if I baby-sat for you, then technically, I'd be doing you a favor, and that simply cannot be.

Daria - You'll have to excuse me. My sister wants me to stay away. (walks away as Jane smirks)
(Helen walks into the living room, carrying her briefcase)

Sandi - So Quinn's little friend, or whatever, take a look at this.
Helen - There's angel hair in the freezer, girls, and don't forget, tomorrow we're hosting the couples workshop. It's focus on teens night! I expect you to be there.

(Daria examines Brooke's nose)
Quinn - Sorry, Mom, I have a date. Remember what you said on Saturday? A commitment's a commitment.

Daria - What is it?
Helen - (sighs) Well, I guess I did say that. Well, I'll see you there, Daria.

Tiffany - It's Brooke's new nose. Isn't is cute?
Daria - I can't. I have a commitment.

Daria - Don't worry, it'll grow out.
Helen and Quinn - You?

(at the Morgendorffer house)
Daria - ("I can't believe I'm saying this") I'm baby-sitting.

(the family is sitting around the kitchen table)
(in Quinn's room)

Quinn - So I said I thought it was cute.
(Helen enters carrying folded laundry; she sets the basket down on the bed and holds up a baby-tee that looks too small for a Barbie doll)

Jake - Really.
Helen - Oh, no, the laundry shrank your shirt.

Quinn - No, they didn't.
Quinn - Why doesn't anyone believe me?

Helen - What was wrong with Brooke's old nose?
Helen - Oh. (sighs) You know, I used to wear mini-skirts... but life goes on. Well, I was surprised to hear about Daria's baby-sitting job tomorrow night.

Quinn - It wasn't cute. It had, like, an extra bone in it.
Quinn - Yeah! I was, too!

(Jake drops his fork onto his plate)
Helen - Especially since it's for the Guptys, and they usually call you.

Daria - Hey, it's almost time for dessert. Can we discuss liposuction now?
Quinn - I know! People are so weird!

Helen - I just don't like the idea of you girls talking about cosmetic surgery. Maybe when you're older, and you're doing it for yourself, or there's a sound professional reason for it. I mean, you need to be presentable. Yes, it's a double standard, but women in business are judged on their looks, and there's no getting around that. But breast implants? I just don't know.
Helen - In fact, I think I remember something about you going over there tomorrow night?

Quinn - Right.
Quinn - (grabs shirt) You know, I think they did shrink this shirt!

Helen - I mean, when a woman is elected president, it won't be because she got breast implants.
Helen - Quinn, how do you expect to get anywhere in this world if you don't stick to your commitments?

Daria - At least her people will deny it.
Quinn - But I didn't mean to double-book. It's hard to keep track of dates when you're attractive and popular.

Helen - Jake? I could use some help here.
Helen - I can't have another fiasco like last Saturday night. Think of how it must have felt when those three boys all showed up here at the same time!

Jake - Um, no, honey, you look great. Everybody looks great. Perfect!
Quinn - It felt great!

Helen - That's not what I...
Helen - I meant for them. You know the time-management consultant I've been seeing?

Quinn - I'm not perfect. My nose has inperfections.
Quinn - Doris Doright?

Jake - That's imperfections, sweetie.
Helen - Deena Decker. I'm going to have to book us for a mother-daughter session.

Quinn - Like a class?
Quinn - (brings hands to face) I knew it!

Jake - Aw, hell.
Helen - Think of it as a makeover. My treat.

(in Quinn's room, Quinn is looking into her mirror and pushing the tip of her nose up with a finger; she does this several times, with Daria looking on from the doorway, before we hear a loud "snap")
Quinn - Well... okay.

Quinn - Ow!
Helen - I'm so excited! Talk about an efficient use of quality time!

Daria - Wanna borrow my stapler?
(downstairs, Daria is on the phone with the Guptys, shown split-screen; Quinn is standing with a phone next to Daria, while both Guptys have phones in their hands)

Quinn - Ugh! (slams door in Daria's face)
Mr. Gupty - Now, Daria, I hope Quinn explained our rules. Were you planning on having a boyfriend in the house? Because, heh, we don't allow that.

(at Lawndale High)
Daria - No problem. I'm flying solo these days.

(Quinn is sneaking through the halls, destination unknown)
Mrs. Gupty - Then I guess it's not an issue.

(in Ms. Barch's class)
Daria - Unless I pick up somebody on the way over.

Ms. Barch - Now, Kevin, what happened last week when you walked down the street saying hello to people?
Mrs. Gupty - What?

(Kevin, still in his ugly makeup, consults a sheet of paper)
Quinn - (short laugh) She's kidding, Mrs. Gupty. My sister's a big kidder. (scowls) Ha, ha, Daria.

Kevin - Twelve people smiled back, fifteen said hello, eight said hi.
Daria - Ha, ha, Quinn.

Ms. Barch - And, Mr. Football Hero, what happened this week when you said hello to people wearing your special ugly face?
Mr. Gupty - (short laugh) Well, you'll need a sense of humor to tangle with our devils.

Kevin - Fourteen people pretended not to see me, five crossed the street to get away, seven ran, three called the police, and I'm pretty sure this one guy fired a shot.
Mrs. Gupty - Lester!

Ms. Barch - And so, what does this experiment teach us about how the perception of attractiveness affects human behavior? Brittany?
Mr. Gupty - No, seriously, they're great kids. See you Saturday, Daria.

Brittany - Oh, Kevvie, what have they done to you?
Daria - Bye. (hangs up phone) Ten dollar surcharge if I have to spend more than fifteen minutes with the parents.

Quinn - That's fair.
Kevin - It's just makeup, babe.

Brittany - Don't touch me, you freak!
(at Deena Decker's office)

(Kevin pulls cotton stuffing from mouth)
Deena - Prioritizing: it's the first step towards streamlining your life. Helen, please share your list of priorities, stating the most important first.

Kevin - Can I take this stuff off now? I don't like not being liked.
Helen - One: spend more time with my family. Two: break through the firm's glass ceiling. Three: beat the pants oft Carly Fishbeck in the library board election. Four: get the spice back into my marriage.

Ms. Barch - Put that back! You'll take it off when I crush your ego! Heh, I mean, when the experiment is over.
Quinn - Mom!

Ms. Li (VO the intercom) - Ms. Barch, will you please send Daria Morgendorffer to the office? Her sister...
Helen - Four: window treatments for the living room.

Quinn (VO) - Cousin!
Deena - Great, and what are your priorities Quinn?

Ms. Li (VO) - Her cousin needs her.
Quinn - One: dating. Two: shopping. Three: bouncy hair. Four: school.

Helen - You don't have to rush, sweetie. Maybe you would like to rethink the order.
Daria - I don't know how I'll make up the class work. (leaves)

Kevin - Not even the wart?
Deena - Helen, Quinn is just being honest. We can't get anywhere unless we take a hard, honest look at what really matters to us.

Ms. Barch - The wart's the best part!
Helen - One: get the spice back into my marriage.

(later, Daria and Quinn are seated on a city bus; Quinn is busying herself looking at the various advertisements scattered around the bus)
Deena - Quinn, here's your very own Teen Life Runner, just like Mom's. (hands planner to Quinn)

Quinn - What's rhinoplasty?
Helen - My baby's all grown up.

Daria - Exactly what it sounds like.
Deena - Don't forget to enter this experience on your Proud Moments Summary Page.

Quinn - I can't use this thing. It's ugly!
Quinn - Well, they could use it, I guess.

Daria - How are the cramps?
Deena - Customized styles are available for an extra charge. (hands Quinn a catalog)

Quinn - I'll take the coral. Leatherette.
Quinn - Shut up.

Daria - I'm truly touched. Not only did you get out of class by faking sick, but you convinced the nurse to let your sister take you home. (pause) Of course, we don't appear to be going home...
Deena - We also sell a matching lipstick and compact that fit right inside the planner.

Quinn - Now I'll be attractive, and popular, and organized!
Quinn - I need you to be my alibi.

Daria - Generally, you want your alibi not to be a witness at the scene of the crime.
(split-screen between Daria and Jane talking on phone; Daria is in her living room, Jane is in her bedroom getting dressed to go running)

Quinn - I just need you here, okay?
Jane - If they start to drive you nuts, tell them you know this great game called "cemetery." They have to lie on the floor and pretend they're dead. The first one to move or make a sound loses.

Daria - Uh, okay. (pause) Why?
Daria - This whole thing is giving me the creeps. I can't even think about that stupid history paper.

Quinn - Why what?
Jane - Relax. I'll be there by eight.

Daria - Why me and not one of your hundreds of friends?
(Quinn marches by and looks out the window)

Quinn - Hey, Daria? What kind of car do you think that is?
Quinn - I need, uh, someone who's known me for a while and who's like that thing.

Daria - See ya later.
Daria - What thing?

Quinn - You know, honest. (pause) Don't tell anyone. Or I'll just say you followed me.
Jane - Yeah.

Daria - Right. Good plan.
(Daria hangs up phone and goes over to window)

(at the RxPlex)
Daria - Isn't that the nouveau riche sports sedan? (sees Quinn writing in her planner) What are you doing?

(Daria and Quinn are walking past different medical offices)
Quinn - Date evaluation system. Convertibles get bonus points. Coral! Is life great or what? Bye! (leaves)

Quinn - I can't believe those guys went to see Dr. Shar without me.
(Daria looks at her wristwatch, sighs, and starts to leave; she passes Jake, who's also sitting in the living room and is holding a martini)

Daria - How do you know they came here? How do you know they didn't just all go to the stuffed animal store without you?
Jake - Hey Daria, where are you going? It's couples therapy night!

Quinn - Did you see the way they looked at Brooke's nose? Where else could they have gone?
Daria - Baby-sitting job, Dad.

Daria - But they all have noses like yours.
Jake - (mutters) Wish I had a baby-sitting job.

Quinn - Rub it in, why don't you!
Daria - What?

(at Dr. Shar's Swan Shoppe)
Jake - Those couples, they're such a bunch of wimps. Always so freaking sensitive.

(Daria and Quinn enter the waiting room)
Daria - Hang in there, Dad. You'll meet some insensitive couples. I'm sure of it.

TV Announcer (VO) - ...noticed how they are unshapely and reported it in a study conducted in 1982.
Jake - Thanks, kiddo!

(Daria and Quinn look at TV, cut to image showing apes looking into water)
(a short time later, Daria approaches the Gupty house with not a little trepidation, as their yard has a ton of cute objects scattered throughout)

TV Announcer (VO) - From the first time man and woman gazed upon themselves in the ripples of a sun-dappled pool, human beings have been blessed, and burdened, by awareness of their own image. But what does this have to do with your thighs?
(Daria walks up and rings doorbell; it's answered by Mrs. Gupty, who looks a little too much like a kewpie doll)

Daria - Now how are they going to explain this to the other monkeys?
Daria - Hi, Mrs. Kewpie.

Guy - We've been here an hour! When's my girlfriend gonna get her new rack?
Mrs. Gupty - What?

Receptionist - Dr. Shar is very busy, sir. Quinn Morgendorffer!
Daria - (quickly recovers) Mrs. Gupty!

Guy - Hey, wait! We were here first! (sees Daria walk past) Oh, whoa, emergency. I understand.
Mrs. Gupty - Please, Daria, call me Lauren. Come on in, we're almost ready.

(Quinn and Daria enter Dr. Shar's office; the doctor, who looks like she underwent her own procedures a few times too often, is seated behind a desk, talking to a patient on the phone)
(Daria enters and sits on sofa)

Dr. Shar - (into phone) Of course it's gonna be harder to breathe, hon. Those nostrils are itty-bitty compared to the ones you had. Try breathing through your mouth. Go on, try it! In, out. That sounds good. Again, sweetie. In, out. You keep that going! Bye! (hangs up) So, hello there, Quinn, whichever one of you is Quinn. What brings you here?
Daria - Hmm. (quietly sings) She'll be comin' around the mountain when she comes... she'll be comin' around the mountain when she comes...

Quinn - It's my nose.
(Daria picks up a framed photo of Tricia and Tad, and her humming abruptly stops as her childhood flashbacks begin)

Dr. Shar - Oh, honey, nothing wrong with that nose. It's a pretty little schnoz!
(flashback #1: toddler Daria is seated at a table, baby Quinn in a high chair at the other side of the table, and a gray-haired woman is seated between them, attempting to feed Quinn; the table is a mess, and Quinn is crying)

Quinn - It's a schnoz?!
Daria - Can we punish her now? It's time for her punishment! Can we punish her now?

Dr. Shar - No! It's the tiniest little thing.
(Daria throws a bowl of food that splatters on the table, as the babysitter puts her head down and sobs)

Quinn - Thank you. Can you fix it?
(flashback #2: a slightly older Daria and Quinn are fighting on the floor while an elderly woman with a cane watches helplessly)

Dr. Shar - Oh, honey, I wouldn't touch it. It would be a crime against nature, and an ethics violation Dr. Shar just doesn't need right now! But, let's see if we can't do something. (camera focuses on Quinn) Quinn, would you like to see yourself with cheekbones?
Quinn - Brain!

Quinn - I have cheekbones.
Daria - Brat!

(Dr. Shar manipulates image on computer to give Quinn prominent cheekbones)
Quinn - Brain!

Dr. Shar - We all do, honey, and maybe that baby fat will drop away and yours will show. You never know. But for twenty-three hundred dollars, this one month only, you can be sure.
Daria - Brat!

Quinn - Brain!
Quinn - I don't have cheekbones!

(image of Quinn changes as Dr. Shar makes "improvements")
Baby-sitter - Stop that! Stop that! Oh! (drops cane) It's my heart!

Dr. Shar - All right hon, let's make some lips... dimple you up... two more... something's missing... oh! I know! (beauty mark appears on image) And as long as we're here, let's do something about that hair. (Quinn's long red hair is replaced with curly blonde hair)
(flashback #3: a preteen Daria and a young Quinn are seated between their teenaged girl baby-sitter and her boyfriend; she's scowling, he's looking overwhelmed by the situation)

(Dr. Shar prints out the image, which looks almost nothing like the Quinn we know... which, of course, means...)
Daria - You know, she stuffs her bra.

Quinn - Hi, I'm Quinn. I'll be allowed to date in four years.
Quinn - I'm too cute!

Dr. Shar - And only six thousand dollars, so far. Anything else?
(flashbacks end)

Daria - Could I see what she looks like with eyebrow ridges and a large sloping forehead?
Mr. Gupty - Here they are: the little monsters!

Dr. Shar - All right, funny gal, your turn!
Mrs. Gupty - Lester!

Daria - No. Thank you.
(Daria stares in trepidation at the cute and smiling Tad and Tricia)

Dr. Shar - Nothing to be afraid of.
Mrs. Gupty - We don't let sitters use the phone, but we made an exception for Quinn after she explained that she calls her grandmother every hour.

Daria - My grandmother?
Daria - I'm not afraid.

Dr. Shar - It'll be fun!
Mr. Gupty - To tell her to take her pill.

Daria - Oh, yeah. Actually, tonight it's my turn.
Daria - I don't like fun.

Quinn - Come on, Daria.
(the Guptys smile -- "aw, that's so sweet!")

(camera focuses on Daria)
Mrs. Gupty - Now, Daria, here's your schedule. As you can see, we've broken everything down into fifteen minute increments. Let's review it together.

Dr. Shar - Oh, where shall we begin? Hmmm... nose, chin, eyes, cheeks, lips, hair... alrighty! Let's have a look, okay?
Daria - Do you know a woman named Deena Decker, by any chance?

(Dr. Shar quickly manipulates different parts of Daria's face and hair until the image looks exactly like Quinn)
Mr. and Mrs. Gupty - Yes!

Dr. Shar - It's a start!
Daria - (reads schedule) 8:15, discuss current events. 8:30, snack. 8:45, post-snack flossing.

Quinn - Oh, look, Daria, you're cute! Dr. Shar, do you think maybe I can get a couple more of these, wallet size?
Mr. Gupty - And the vocabulary word for tonight is "indemnification."

(Dr. Shar's waiting room)
Mrs. Gupty - We left food for you in the fridge. Have fun kids.

TV Announcer (VO) - We all know about the terrible atrocities caused by America's lust for veal, but here's something nice you can do for calves: calf implants!
Tad and Tricia - Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad!

Dr. Shar - Quinn, honey, I like your attitude. You're open to life's possibilities.
(Mr. and Mrs. Gupty leave, leaving Daria and the kids sitting by themselves in the very quiet living room)

Quinn - I try to be.
Daria - Okay, you can drop the angel act.

Dr. Shar - But you, Daria... I hate to see a young lady give up on herself at such a early age.
Tricia - What do you mean?

Daria - I don't consider rejecting the Dr. Frankenstein approach giving up.
Tad - Is it time to floss yet?

Dr. Shar - It puts a frown on my face, and I don't like having a frown on my face!
(time passes)

Daria - Maybe you can inject collagen into your lips in the shape of a smile.
Tricia - We're supposed to be discussing current events.

(Dr. Shar gives Daria a box)
Daria - I have a headache. Is that current enough for you?

Dr. Shar - This is for you, Daria. Open it when you got some free time. Then I want you to examine it, get comfortable with it, think about it carefully. Change your attitude hon; change your life.
Tad - Is Quinn really your sister?

Daria - It's not leftover nose pieces, is it?
Daria - Yeah.

Dr. Shar - Humor may lift your spirits, Daria, but it takes a professional to lift your buttocks! (laughs) Doctor's joke! Have a nice day girls. And remember, money can make anyone look beautiful. (closes door)
Tricia - Then how come her hair is so much bouncier than yours?

(the same guy who was complaining to the receptionist comes up to Daria)
(time passes)

Guy - Don't worry, you're gonna be all right.
Daria - Oh, look, there's been a last-minute change in the schedule. It's time to watch TV.

(Daria frowns)
Tad - But too much TV is bad for you.

(Daria and Quinn on city bus)
Tricia - It can turn you into a zombie, Daria.

Quinn - I'm a mess, and it'll cost six thousand dollars to fix.
Daria - Well, that'll make three of us. (turns on TV and clicks the remote several times, but finds only the Forecast Channel) Your parents put one of those lock-out things on here, didn't they? All I'm getting is the Forecast Channel.

Daria - You're not really going to take that woman seriously, are you? She earns her living making people feel bad about their looks.
Tad and Tricia - Yay! The five-day report!

Quinn - You're just mad because she figured you out. Dr. Shar is really smart about people.
Tricia - That means the Midwestern Business Planner is next!

(Daria opens the box Dr. Shar gave her)
Tad - See, Tricia, I told you the barometric pressure was falling.

Daria - Oh, yeah, she's got my number, all right. "Dr. Shar's Pre-Implant Temporary Bust Augmentations. For evaluation purposes only." She knew just what I needed. (lifts object out of box) Practice boobs.
Tricia - Know-it-all.

(at the Morgendorffer house)
(commercials start)

(split-screen between Daria and Jane on the phone in their respective bedrooms)
Tad - Commercials are bad.

Daria - So, first she tells Quinn that she can fix her up for six thousand dollars.
Tricia - Commercials lie.

Jane - Miss Pert 'N Pretty? What can she possibly need for six G's, other than a new personality?
Daria - Let's move the snack up to 8:15. We'll get to flossing quicker.

Daria - Wait, there's more. Then she announces for twenty grand, she can fix me. Which means she can make me look like Quinn.
Tad and Tricia - Yay!

Jane - Sheesh, what would you want to look like that loser for? She needs six thousand dollars' worth of plastic surgery!
(at Chez Pierre)

Daria - And then to top off the day, she sends me home with a pair of fake boobs. Says they'll change my attitude.
(Quinn and Skylar are seated at a table, their dinner already consumed)

Jane - Boy, she was really trying to make you insecure.
Skylar - Quinn, I know that plenty of guys want to go out with you, and plenty of girls want to go out with me, and that makes me think we should be together.

Daria - I know. If I didn't have such low self-esteem, she might have gotten to me.
Quinn - Oh, Skylar, you're number one in my book... by 14 points.

Jane - Anyway, I don't think your attitude's so bad. You probably only need one fake boob.
(with a slightly confused smile, he slides a credit card into the check folder)

(at Lawndale High)
Skylar - Will you excuse me? I'll be right back.

(Tiffany, Stacy, and Sandi all have bandages over their noses when Quinn enters)
(after he leaves, Quinn pulls her planner from her purse and looks at the bill; she enters the amount, $86.75, in the calculator, writes a note, and places the planner back in her purse)

Quinn - I'm really mad at you guys.
(at the Gupty house)

Sandi - Oh? Why is that?
(Daria removes a tray with three labeled cups from the refrigerator and sits at a table with Tricia and Tad)

Quinn - Because you all went to get nose jobs without me!
Daria - Raisins?

Sandi - But you would never get a nose job. You're not that shallow.
Tad - Raisins are nature's candy.

Quinn - How do you know?
Daria - Then why do they have to cover them with chocolate to sell them at the movies?

Sandi - Because a really deep person like you has too many important things on her mind, like the news or something, to pay attention to her appearance.
Tricia - Sugar is bad.

Quinn - That's not true.
Tad - Sugar rots your teeth.

Sandi - But Quinn, what else could possibly account for your showing up at school in such a dated outfit?
Tricia - Sugar makes you hyper.

Quinn - But you helped me buy this outfit!
Tad - Hitler ate sugar.

Sandi - That was days ago. Weeks, if memory serves. Of course, so much time has passed, I could be wrong.
(dissolve to Tad and Tricia's bedroom; they are holding hands and jumping on one of the beds, while a very warped, very scratched record is playing, one which skips in spots)

Quinn - Well, whatever. Anyway, I could've come along for moral support.
Tad and Tricia - (singing along with record) "I can hope and I can dream and I am full of, full of, full of, full of self-esteem! The hare and tortoise had a race, the tortoise won, he took first place, he knew he really passed the test because he did his very best. So very mad was Mr. Hare, he claimed the race, it wasn't fair, who won, who cares, it's all the same, what counts is how you play the game. I can hope and I can dream and I am full of, full of, full of, full of self-esteem!"

Tiffany - Like you were so supportive with Brooke?
(Daria picks up the record and sees just how bad a condition it's in)

Sandi - Ohmigod, look!
Daria - This record is shot. Why don't you ask your parents to get you the CD?

(Brooke enters, looking much more shapely)
Tad - Compact discs were forced upon consumers so that record companies could increase their profit margins.

Tiffany - It's Brooke.
Daria - That's important for a six year old to know.

Quinn - Oh no! She's beautiful!
Tricia - Let's play it again!

(at Lawndale High)
(dissolve to Tad and Tricia lying on the floor, playing "cemetery"; Tad suddenly sneezes)

(Brooke is showing off her shapely new body to the Fashion Club)
Tricia - I win!

Brooke - Hi Sandi, Stacy, Tiffany... (looks at Quinn) ...everybody.
Daria - Okay, that's enough "cemetery." Let's play a new game. It's called "lichen."

Everyone - Brooke!
Tad and Tricia - Yeah!

Tiffany - Oh, my God. Brooke, you have such a cute waist! I didn't even know that you had one.
Daria - Here are the rules. Lie on the floor and make believe you're a fungus on an old tree trunk. First one to move, or drop a spore, loses.

Brooke - I didn't! Dr. Shar liposucked one out for me.
(Tad and Tricia resume their prone positions on the floor as Daria calls Jane)

Jane - Yo.
Sandi - Excellent.

Brooke - Not only that, she took the fat, you know, that she sucked out, and gave me these luscious lips.
Daria - Hey, Grandma, it's time for your damn pill.

Stacy - It's like a dream come true.
Jane - Huh?

Brooke - Dr. Shar says it'll only last a few months, but fortunately I still got my butt.
Daria - You were supposed to be here an hour ago. I'm desperate.

(everyone laughs)
Jane - I had to wait for my ride. Trent just got back from rehearsal. Relax, I'm on my way.

Brooke - No, seriously. Dr. Shar says the average female has enough fat in her butt to keep her lips luscious until she's, like, seventy.
Tricia (through phone) - Tad dropped a spore!

Tiffany - God works in mysterious ways.
Tad (through phone) - Did not! It was a raisin!

Sandi - Brooke, I must say, and I mean this in a not shallow way, you are totally cute now.
Daria - (pleading) Bring junk food...

Stacy - Super cute!
(at the Gupty house)

Brooke - Wait, so does that mean I can join the Fashion Club?
(all three are in Tad and Tricia's bedroom, sitting on one of the beds)

Sandi - Who knows? We may have an opening soon. What's the rule? Last hired, first hired?
Tricia - Quinn always lets me fix her hair.

(Quinn now looks decidedly nervous)
Daria - Her bouncy hair? Find something else to do.

(elsewhere, Daria and Jane are standing at Daria's locker)
Tricia - I guess we can listen to the record some more.

Jane - You bring 'em?
Daria - Okay, the hair it is.

Daria - Yeah.
Tad - I'll shine your shoes!

(Kevin walks by in ugly makeup, cane, and humpback)
(Tricia starts brushing Daria's hair while Tad shines her boots)

Jane - How's the science project?
Daria - Do you always do exactly what adults tell you?

Kevin - Okay. (rest is lost in cotton-mouthed mumble)
Tad - Yes!

Daria - What?
Daria - Do you always believe everything they say?

Kevin - (takes stuffing out of mouth) Daria! Man, I need your advice. You're used to being unpopular.
Tricia - Yup!

Daria - Thanks.
Daria - But what if two adults say exactly opposite things?

Kevin - It's really bumming me out that people hate the way I look!
(Tad starts to cry and runs off; Tricia pulls Daria's hair)

Daria - Well, a respectable member of the medical community once told me that money can make anyone look beautiful.
Daria - Ouch!

Kevin - Hey, thanks Daria. (stuffs cotton back into mouth and exits)
Tricia - You're mean!

Jane - What do you think he thinks you meant?
(some time later, the doorbell rings; Daria opens the door, her hair done up in two pigtails)

Daria - Thank God you're here.
Daria - What's the difference? He's gone.

Jane - All hail, Pippi Longstocking. Hey Trent, come look at this!
Jane - True enough. Well, come on! Where are they?

(Daria pulls Jane in and slams door)
Daria - In here. (points to locker)

Jane - Oh, Daria, don't be shy. Show me your boobs.
(in Tad and Tricia's room, Jane finishes putting Tricia into her pajamas)

(with a sigh, Daria brings out the box and opens it to Jane's inspection)
Daria - Where did you learn to baby-sit?

Jane - Hmm. Why did I think this would be more interesting?
Jane - I used to help with my sister Summer's kids, till they got old enough to run away.

(Upchuck enters)
Tad - Can I exfoliate your skin?

Upchuck - Good day, ladies! What's in the box? Art project? Science experiment? Adorable little pet? Arf!
Daria - Quinn lets you do that?

Jane - A little of each, Upchuck. Take a look.
Tad - Quinn doesn't need it.

(Upchuck holds up implant in one hand)
Daria - Yes, well, you've used "exfoliate," our vocabulary word of the night, so now it's time for bed.

Upchuck - Hmmm. Call me country bumpkin, but... what is it?
Tricia - But the vocabulary word for the night is "indemnification."

Daria - Made you say it.
Jane - It's a fake boob.

(Upchuck shudders, drops the implant back in the box, and runs away with a screaming case of the willies)
Jane - Okay, kids, we're all suited up, so it's time to blast off to sleepy land!

Daria - I guess I just don't speak the language.
Jane - I guess he's not quite ready for a physical relationship.

(Quinn enters)
Tad - But you have to read us a bedtime story first.

Quinn - Daria! Daria, I need to... (sees Jane) Shoo! Shoo! I need to borrow six thousand dollars.
Tricia - It's on the schedule.

Daria - I don't have six thousand dollars.
Jane - Sure is. Right before ear canal irrigation and praying for world peace.

Quinn - It's an emergency!
Daria - (looking through books) Mr. Potty Goes to Town... The Tidy Teddy Bear Family... Kaneesha's First Kwanza.

Jane - Well, if it's an emergency... (reaches into pocket)
Jane - The Ten Arguments for the Elimination of Television Pop-Up Activity Book.

Quinn - Here's what you do. Tell Mom and Dad that Dr. Shar says you need human growth hormone. They'll believe that.
Daria - Isn't there something decent to read?

Jane - Got some old classics over here.
Jane - I would.

Quinn - But instead, Dr. Shar will do me and charge them for you, and you'll probably grow anyway!
Daria - They'll do.

Daria - Good plan, but what makes you think Dr. Shar's gonna go for this?
(times passes)

Quinn - It was her idea!
Daria - So Cinderella skipped the ball and asked her fairy Godmother to make her the first woman president. Realizing that the monarchy was becoming obsolete, the prince opened a video store.

Tad - That's not how it goes.
Daria - I can't have this on my conscience.

Quinn - You don't have a conscience.
Tricia - But I like it better this way.

Daria - What I meant was, I don't feel like it.
(times passes)

Quinn - You've got to! Where else am I gonna get six thousand dollars?
Jane - And then, the little engine decided that he just wasn't the competitive type.

Jane - Take up a collection?
(times passes)

(Quinn smiles in appreciation and exits)
Daria - So Old Mother Hubbard tracked down the deadbeat loser and made him pay child support.

Daria - You're paying for my therapy.
(times passes)

(in the girls bathroom; Quinn is making her sales pitch to Andrea, who is applying eye makeup)
Jane - And the dish ran away with the spoon, but Hawaii was the only state which would recognize the marriage as legal.

Quinn - So you see, when you contribute to my surgery, it's like we're all sharing the surgery. We're making a statement about solidarity!
(times passes)

Andrea - Solidarity?
Daria - And the truth is, no one will ever ask to see your permanent record.

Quinn - You know, sisterhood is powerful!
Tad - Wow, you guys are smart.

Andrea - Aren't you a little worried that there may be a hell?
Daria - I think that's enough for tonight.

(in Ms. Barch's classroom)
Tricia - Gee, Mom and Dad never told us that people can think for themselves.

Quinn - It's not even like I'm doing that for me. I'm doing it to bring honor to the school.
Tad - Yeah, or that Tom Cruise is five foot four!

Ms. Barch - Oh, well then, why don't you apply for a federal grant, dear. Send an inquiry to the U.S. Department of Deluded Adolescents.
Tricia - Daria? Jane? How do we know that what you tell us is the truth?

Quinn - Is that E-N-T-E or E-N-T-S?
Daria - You don't. And that's the greatest lesson of all.

(in the cafeteria; Quinn is standing next to two boys, who are seated at a table)
Jane - We made up that part about aliens living under the North Pole.

Boy #1 - So, what do we get if we pledge?
Tricia - I thought so.

Quinn - You get to look at me walking around like this all day. (shows picture from Dr. Shar)
Jane - (laughs) Hey, the kid's gonna be all right!

Boy #2 - No, like, what do we get?
(in the living room, Daria and Jane sit on the sofa as Jane punches buttons on the remote control)

(both boys laugh, sounding vaguely reminiscent of a certain idiot duo from Highland, Texas)
Daria - Well, they're finally asleep. Think you can fix that?

Quinn - The same thing you're getting now: nothing.
Jane - Think I can fix it?

(Quinn exits, leaving both boys confused)
(she presses a button and successfully changes the channel)

(in the hallway; Daria, at her locker again, is approached by Quinn)
SSW Announcer - Tonight, on Sick, Sad World, a prime-time special about people just like you, only more pathetic.

Daria - Just in time.
Daria - Pledge drive not going well?

Quinn - People are so shallow! Here, this is all I got and it's for you, from Upchuck.
Jane - I guess you're not going to work on your paper.

Daria - Why?
Daria - I'll have to get an extension. Right now, I'm having trouble remembering my own name.

Quinn - Deposit. He wants to rent that fake boob for the weekend.
(Tad and Tricia enter)

Daria - Listen, Quinn...
Tad - Can we have a drink of water?

Quinn - You know, maybe I should get boobs. I bet if I got some boobs on credit, I can get the rest of the money in no time.
Tricia - Cool! Mud wrestling!

Daria - Quinn...
(time passes)

Quinn - Or maybe Dr. Shar will give me a part time job sweeping up fat or something.
Tad - Oh, busted! Kick it to the curb, girlfriend!

Daria - Quinn...
Tricia - This is fun! You're my favorite baby-sitter, Daria.

Quinn - I mean, I like being attractive and popular. It's, like, me, okay? So if Dr. Shar makes everyone else attractive and popular, then I'll have to be even more attractive just to keep up, and then if they, like, go back her to catch up to me, then I'll have to go back, and pretty soon it'll be like one of those vicious things! (melodramatic tone) Where will it end Daria? Where will it end?
Tad - Me, too!

Daria - You don't need surgery, Quinn. (sighs) I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, and I'll deny I every said it, but there's nothing wrong with you. Physically. You've got the kind of looks that make other girls mentally ill. So stop it. You don't need any plastic surgery. You're perfect.
Daria - Just don't tell your parents we let you stay up late.

Quinn - Why do I bother talking to you?
Tad - Do we look stupid or something?

(Stacy and Tiffany enter, holding their noses amidst an alternating chorus of "ohmigods")
Daria - So much progress in one night.

Quinn - Ohmigod what?
(outside the Morgendorffer house)

Skylar - So, when do you want to go out again?
Stacy - Did you hear what happened to Brooke?

Quinn - How about a week from Thursday? I'm booked until then.
Quinn - Yeah, she's super cute.

Tiffany - She had a nasal relapse.
Skylar - I thought you were my girlfriend now.

Stacy - We were just talking...
Quinn - But I can't cancel all my other dates. I have to stick to my commitments. Besides, I wrote them down in pen.

Tiffany - ...and it was horrible.
Skylar - Wednesday, Eric? But he's my best friend! And who's Bob?

Stacy - The whole thing...
Quinn - No that's "B period O period B period." It stands for "boy on bike." I didn't catch his name.

(at the Morgendorffer house)
Skylar - Let me see that!

Quinn - Hey!

(He tries to take planner away, page rips free)

Skylar - Wow, what's this! "Long term plans: September, break up with Skylar; October, go out with Taylor?"

Quinn - His parents have a ski house!

(at the Gupty house)

(Daria, snoozing on the sofa, wakes and quickly changes TV back to Forecast Channel seconds before Mr. and Mrs. Gupty walk in)

(the family is seated around the kitchen table)
Mrs. Gupty - Hi, Daria. How did it go? Any problems?

Quinn - ...just caved in.
Daria - It sure is hard to tear them away from their oral hygiene routines, but other than that...

Helen - That's horrible!
Mr. Gupty - Well, thanks for coming over. We'd hate to miss Couple's Therapy Night.

Quinn - You could, like, see her brain. Or, at least, that's what Tiffany heard from Doug who heard it from Brenda whose cousin works in the emergency room.
Mrs. Gupty - I just love the new picture in your living room.

Daria - You were at my house?
Daria - At another hospital. In Belgium.

Quinn - And her new lips, all the fat on the top slipped down to the bottom. Now she looks like one of those beer dogs on TV.
Mrs. Gupty - Yes, and we had a breakthrough tonight. Your father cried.

Helen - That poor girl.
(Daria's eyes widen with shock)

Quinn - Yeah, now she looks even less cute than she did before. Maybe the Fashion Club should send her flowers or something. I mean, since I guess she won't be joining anytime soon.
(at Lawndale High, in Mr. DeMartino's class)

Daria - You all must be very upset about that.
Mr. DeMartino - Brittany, although your topic, "The Cult of Abs," was an intriguing one, I'm afraid that the choice of photo collage, rather than actual text, did not work to your advantage.

Quinn - Hmm. Well, we're like a built-in support group for each other.
Brittany - "D." Bummer. And I ruined all my magazines!

Daria - A regular Khmer Rouge.
Mr. DeMartino - Daria, your paper was excellent, and the original research was thought-provoking, although it would probably be considered a felony in most states.

Quinn - Well, blush is more like it.
(in the hallway)

(in downtown Lawndale, people are lined up on the sidewalk in front of Kevin, who's still in his ugly makeup)
Jane - "The Real-Life Experiment in Mind Control Deprogramming."

Kevin - Hi! How ya doing? Here's five bucks.
Daria - Subtitle: "My Night at the Gupty's." I guess I got inspired.

Guy #1 - Thanks, dude! Great to meet you.
Jane - Talk about an efficient use of quality time.

Kevin - Hey, what's up? Here's five bucks.
(at the Gupty house)

Guy #2 - Thanks, man. You're pretty cool.
(the view remains on the outside of the house as we hear Tad and Tricia singing along to the record)

Kevin - Hey, cowboy, how would you like five dollars?
Tad and Tricia (VO) - (singing) "I am cool and that is it, and everyone else is full of, full of, full of..."

(kid starts to cry)
(needle scratches on record, drowning out the last word)

Kevin - Oh, hey, didn't mean to scare you, little guy! Make it ten.
Mrs. Gupty (VO) - Tad!

Kid - You're really nice. I like you.
Mr. Gupty (VO) - Tricia!

(closing credits)
(closing credits)

Latest revision as of 19:43, 24 July 2019

(opening theme song)

(on the streets of downtown Lawndale, Kevin stands on the sidewalk, his face in "ugly" makeup; he attempts to greet various passers-by, but no matter how animated and insistent he becomes, they all ignore him, until finally...)

Kevin - Aw, man!

(at Lawndale High)

(Sandi is talking to Joey, Jeffy, and Jamie in the hallway)

Sandi - So I said, "Sure, it's a nice car. Do you have enough gas to get to Loserville?"

(the boys laugh)

Joey - That's funny, Sandi!

Jeffy - You really know how to tell a story.

Sandi - Thanks.

Jamie - Tell us about the part with Quinn again.

Sandi - Quinn wasn't in that story. It was me, Tiffany, and Stacy.

Joey - Well, then, take Stacy out and put Quinn in.

(Quinn approaches)

Quinn - Hi, guys! Hi, Sandi! Hi, Joey, hi, Jeffy, hi, Johnny.

Joey - Hi, Quinn!

Jeffy - Hi, Quinn!

Jamie - Hi, Quinn! It's Jamie.

Quinn - Hi, Sandi...

(Sandi pointedly snubs her, then notices a crowd of girls paying attention to something and quietly murmuring approval)

Sandi - Oh.

(Sandi walks toward the crowd)

Joey - So, Quinn, I was wondering if...

Quinn - No. (follows Sandi)

(when both girls approach, they notice that the crowd is admiring a girl who's gotten a nose job)

Stacy - Oh, it's so cute!

Tiffany - It's the cutest.

Brooke - You think so? I told Dr. Shar...

Tiffany - Oh, Dr. Shar, she's the best.

Stacy - Everybody uses her.

Brooke - I told Dr. Shar that I wanted cute, but you know, not too cute.

Sandi - It's not too cute. It's cute, but not obnoxious about it.

Brooke - What do you think, Quinn?

(Quinn examines Brooke's nose)

Quinn - It's cute.

Brooke - Just cute?

Sandi - Quinn has very high nose standards.

Quinn - I said it was cute!

Sandi - Oh, like you meant it. "Oh, it's cute."

Quinn - Well, at least I thought about it. I didn't just say it was cute without thinking.

Sandi - Excuse me? Are you saying we're shallow?

Brooke - Wait, you guys were just saying it was cute?

Sandi - No, Quinn's just so deep, she thinks we would say something's cute when it's not cute, which we wouldn't.

Tiffany - No way.

Sandi - Example: I would never tell Quinn that she looks cute in that thing she always wears.

Quinn - I don't have a "thing" that I always wear.

Sandi - If you say so.

Quinn - I have lots of things which I wear at different times, far apart in time.

Sandi - As you wish.

Quinn - You're just mad because I said you're shallow. Which I meant in some other way!

Brooke - So then, it is cute?

Sandi - Let's ask an average person. Quinn, there's that girl you know. Let's ask her. (starts waving) Hello! Quinn's cousin or something.

(down the hallway, Daria and Jane are talking; they look to see Sandi waving for Daria to approach, and Quinn crossing her arms to tell Daria not to approach)

Daria - You'll have to excuse me. My sister wants me to stay away. (walks away as Jane smirks)

Sandi - So Quinn's little friend, or whatever, take a look at this.

(Daria examines Brooke's nose)

Daria - What is it?

Tiffany - It's Brooke's new nose. Isn't is cute?

Daria - Don't worry, it'll grow out.

(at the Morgendorffer house)

(the family is sitting around the kitchen table)

Quinn - So I said I thought it was cute.

Jake - Really.

Quinn - Why doesn't anyone believe me?

Helen - What was wrong with Brooke's old nose?

Quinn - It wasn't cute. It had, like, an extra bone in it.

(Jake drops his fork onto his plate)

Daria - Hey, it's almost time for dessert. Can we discuss liposuction now?

Helen - I just don't like the idea of you girls talking about cosmetic surgery. Maybe when you're older, and you're doing it for yourself, or there's a sound professional reason for it. I mean, you need to be presentable. Yes, it's a double standard, but women in business are judged on their looks, and there's no getting around that. But breast implants? I just don't know.

Quinn - Right.

Helen - I mean, when a woman is elected president, it won't be because she got breast implants.

Daria - At least her people will deny it.

Helen - Jake? I could use some help here.

Jake - Um, no, honey, you look great. Everybody looks great. Perfect!

Helen - That's not what I...

Quinn - I'm not perfect. My nose has inperfections.

Jake - That's imperfections, sweetie.

Quinn - (brings hands to face) I knew it!

Jake - Aw, hell.

(in Quinn's room, Quinn is looking into her mirror and pushing the tip of her nose up with a finger; she does this several times, with Daria looking on from the doorway, before we hear a loud "snap")

Quinn - Ow!

Daria - Wanna borrow my stapler?

Quinn - Ugh! (slams door in Daria's face)

(at Lawndale High)

(Quinn is sneaking through the halls, destination unknown)

(in Ms. Barch's class)

Ms. Barch - Now, Kevin, what happened last week when you walked down the street saying hello to people?

(Kevin, still in his ugly makeup, consults a sheet of paper)

Kevin - Twelve people smiled back, fifteen said hello, eight said hi.

Ms. Barch - And, Mr. Football Hero, what happened this week when you said hello to people wearing your special ugly face?

Kevin - Fourteen people pretended not to see me, five crossed the street to get away, seven ran, three called the police, and I'm pretty sure this one guy fired a shot.

Ms. Barch - And so, what does this experiment teach us about how the perception of attractiveness affects human behavior? Brittany?

Brittany - Oh, Kevvie, what have they done to you?

Kevin - It's just makeup, babe.

Brittany - Don't touch me, you freak!

(Kevin pulls cotton stuffing from mouth)

Kevin - Can I take this stuff off now? I don't like not being liked.

Ms. Barch - Put that back! You'll take it off when I crush your ego! Heh, I mean, when the experiment is over.

Ms. Li (VO the intercom) - Ms. Barch, will you please send Daria Morgendorffer to the office? Her sister...

Quinn (VO) - Cousin!

Ms. Li (VO) - Her cousin needs her.

Daria - I don't know how I'll make up the class work. (leaves)

Kevin - Not even the wart?

Ms. Barch - The wart's the best part!

(later, Daria and Quinn are seated on a city bus; Quinn is busying herself looking at the various advertisements scattered around the bus)

Quinn - What's rhinoplasty?

Daria - Exactly what it sounds like.

Quinn - Well, they could use it, I guess.

Daria - How are the cramps?

Quinn - Shut up.

Daria - I'm truly touched. Not only did you get out of class by faking sick, but you convinced the nurse to let your sister take you home. (pause) Of course, we don't appear to be going home...

Quinn - I need you to be my alibi.

Daria - Generally, you want your alibi not to be a witness at the scene of the crime.

Quinn - I just need you here, okay?

Daria - Uh, okay. (pause) Why?

Quinn - Why what?

Daria - Why me and not one of your hundreds of friends?

Quinn - I need, uh, someone who's known me for a while and who's like that thing.

Daria - What thing?

Quinn - You know, honest. (pause) Don't tell anyone. Or I'll just say you followed me.

Daria - Right. Good plan.

(at the RxPlex)

(Daria and Quinn are walking past different medical offices)

Quinn - I can't believe those guys went to see Dr. Shar without me.

Daria - How do you know they came here? How do you know they didn't just all go to the stuffed animal store without you?

Quinn - Did you see the way they looked at Brooke's nose? Where else could they have gone?

Daria - But they all have noses like yours.

Quinn - Rub it in, why don't you!

(at Dr. Shar's Swan Shoppe)

(Daria and Quinn enter the waiting room)

TV Announcer (VO) - ...noticed how they are unshapely and reported it in a study conducted in 1982.

(Daria and Quinn look at TV, cut to image showing apes looking into water)

TV Announcer (VO) - From the first time man and woman gazed upon themselves in the ripples of a sun-dappled pool, human beings have been blessed, and burdened, by awareness of their own image. But what does this have to do with your thighs?

Daria - Now how are they going to explain this to the other monkeys?

Guy - We've been here an hour! When's my girlfriend gonna get her new rack?

Receptionist - Dr. Shar is very busy, sir. Quinn Morgendorffer!

Guy - Hey, wait! We were here first! (sees Daria walk past) Oh, whoa, emergency. I understand.

(Quinn and Daria enter Dr. Shar's office; the doctor, who looks like she underwent her own procedures a few times too often, is seated behind a desk, talking to a patient on the phone)

Dr. Shar - (into phone) Of course it's gonna be harder to breathe, hon. Those nostrils are itty-bitty compared to the ones you had. Try breathing through your mouth. Go on, try it! In, out. That sounds good. Again, sweetie. In, out. You keep that going! Bye! (hangs up) So, hello there, Quinn, whichever one of you is Quinn. What brings you here?

Quinn - It's my nose.

Dr. Shar - Oh, honey, nothing wrong with that nose. It's a pretty little schnoz!

Quinn - It's a schnoz?!

Dr. Shar - No! It's the tiniest little thing.

Quinn - Thank you. Can you fix it?

Dr. Shar - Oh, honey, I wouldn't touch it. It would be a crime against nature, and an ethics violation Dr. Shar just doesn't need right now! But, let's see if we can't do something. (camera focuses on Quinn) Quinn, would you like to see yourself with cheekbones?

Quinn - I have cheekbones.

(Dr. Shar manipulates image on computer to give Quinn prominent cheekbones)

Dr. Shar - We all do, honey, and maybe that baby fat will drop away and yours will show. You never know. But for twenty-three hundred dollars, this one month only, you can be sure.

Quinn - I don't have cheekbones!

(image of Quinn changes as Dr. Shar makes "improvements")

Dr. Shar - All right hon, let's make some lips... dimple you up... two more... something's missing... oh! I know! (beauty mark appears on image) And as long as we're here, let's do something about that hair. (Quinn's long red hair is replaced with curly blonde hair)

(Dr. Shar prints out the image, which looks almost nothing like the Quinn we know... which, of course, means...)

Quinn - I'm too cute!

Dr. Shar - And only six thousand dollars, so far. Anything else?

Daria - Could I see what she looks like with eyebrow ridges and a large sloping forehead?

Dr. Shar - All right, funny gal, your turn!

Daria - No. Thank you.

Dr. Shar - Nothing to be afraid of.

Daria - I'm not afraid.

Dr. Shar - It'll be fun!

Daria - I don't like fun.

Quinn - Come on, Daria.

(camera focuses on Daria)

Dr. Shar - Oh, where shall we begin? Hmmm... nose, chin, eyes, cheeks, lips, hair... alrighty! Let's have a look, okay?

(Dr. Shar quickly manipulates different parts of Daria's face and hair until the image looks exactly like Quinn)

Dr. Shar - It's a start!

Quinn - Oh, look, Daria, you're cute! Dr. Shar, do you think maybe I can get a couple more of these, wallet size?

(Dr. Shar's waiting room)

TV Announcer (VO) - We all know about the terrible atrocities caused by America's lust for veal, but here's something nice you can do for calves: calf implants!

Dr. Shar - Quinn, honey, I like your attitude. You're open to life's possibilities.

Quinn - I try to be.

Dr. Shar - But you, Daria... I hate to see a young lady give up on herself at such a early age.

Daria - I don't consider rejecting the Dr. Frankenstein approach giving up.

Dr. Shar - It puts a frown on my face, and I don't like having a frown on my face!

Daria - Maybe you can inject collagen into your lips in the shape of a smile.

(Dr. Shar gives Daria a box)

Dr. Shar - This is for you, Daria. Open it when you got some free time. Then I want you to examine it, get comfortable with it, think about it carefully. Change your attitude hon; change your life.

Daria - It's not leftover nose pieces, is it?

Dr. Shar - Humor may lift your spirits, Daria, but it takes a professional to lift your buttocks! (laughs) Doctor's joke! Have a nice day girls. And remember, money can make anyone look beautiful. (closes door)

(the same guy who was complaining to the receptionist comes up to Daria)

Guy - Don't worry, you're gonna be all right.

(Daria frowns)

(Daria and Quinn on city bus)

Quinn - I'm a mess, and it'll cost six thousand dollars to fix.

Daria - You're not really going to take that woman seriously, are you? She earns her living making people feel bad about their looks.

Quinn - You're just mad because she figured you out. Dr. Shar is really smart about people.

(Daria opens the box Dr. Shar gave her)

Daria - Oh, yeah, she's got my number, all right. "Dr. Shar's Pre-Implant Temporary Bust Augmentations. For evaluation purposes only." She knew just what I needed. (lifts object out of box) Practice boobs.

(at the Morgendorffer house)

(split-screen between Daria and Jane on the phone in their respective bedrooms)

Daria - So, first she tells Quinn that she can fix her up for six thousand dollars.

Jane - Miss Pert 'N Pretty? What can she possibly need for six G's, other than a new personality?

Daria - Wait, there's more. Then she announces for twenty grand, she can fix me. Which means she can make me look like Quinn.

Jane - Sheesh, what would you want to look like that loser for? She needs six thousand dollars' worth of plastic surgery!

Daria - And then to top off the day, she sends me home with a pair of fake boobs. Says they'll change my attitude.

Jane - Boy, she was really trying to make you insecure.

Daria - I know. If I didn't have such low self-esteem, she might have gotten to me.

Jane - Anyway, I don't think your attitude's so bad. You probably only need one fake boob.

(at Lawndale High)

(Tiffany, Stacy, and Sandi all have bandages over their noses when Quinn enters)

Quinn - I'm really mad at you guys.

Sandi - Oh? Why is that?

Quinn - Because you all went to get nose jobs without me!

Sandi - But you would never get a nose job. You're not that shallow.

Quinn - How do you know?

Sandi - Because a really deep person like you has too many important things on her mind, like the news or something, to pay attention to her appearance.

Quinn - That's not true.

Sandi - But Quinn, what else could possibly account for your showing up at school in such a dated outfit?

Quinn - But you helped me buy this outfit!

Sandi - That was days ago. Weeks, if memory serves. Of course, so much time has passed, I could be wrong.

Quinn - Well, whatever. Anyway, I could've come along for moral support.

Tiffany - Like you were so supportive with Brooke?

Sandi - Ohmigod, look!

(Brooke enters, looking much more shapely)

Tiffany - It's Brooke.

Quinn - Oh no! She's beautiful!

(at Lawndale High)

(Brooke is showing off her shapely new body to the Fashion Club)

Brooke - Hi Sandi, Stacy, Tiffany... (looks at Quinn) ...everybody.

Everyone - Brooke!

Tiffany - Oh, my God. Brooke, you have such a cute waist! I didn't even know that you had one.

Brooke - I didn't! Dr. Shar liposucked one out for me.

Sandi - Excellent.

Brooke - Not only that, she took the fat, you know, that she sucked out, and gave me these luscious lips.

Stacy - It's like a dream come true.

Brooke - Dr. Shar says it'll only last a few months, but fortunately I still got my butt.

(everyone laughs)

Brooke - No, seriously. Dr. Shar says the average female has enough fat in her butt to keep her lips luscious until she's, like, seventy.

Tiffany - God works in mysterious ways.

Sandi - Brooke, I must say, and I mean this in a not shallow way, you are totally cute now.

Stacy - Super cute!

Brooke - Wait, so does that mean I can join the Fashion Club?

Sandi - Who knows? We may have an opening soon. What's the rule? Last hired, first hired?

(Quinn now looks decidedly nervous)

(elsewhere, Daria and Jane are standing at Daria's locker)

Jane - You bring 'em?

Daria - Yeah.

(Kevin walks by in ugly makeup, cane, and humpback)

Jane - How's the science project?

Kevin - Okay. (rest is lost in cotton-mouthed mumble)

Daria - What?

Kevin - (takes stuffing out of mouth) Daria! Man, I need your advice. You're used to being unpopular.

Daria - Thanks.

Kevin - It's really bumming me out that people hate the way I look!

Daria - Well, a respectable member of the medical community once told me that money can make anyone look beautiful.

Kevin - Hey, thanks Daria. (stuffs cotton back into mouth and exits)

Jane - What do you think he thinks you meant?

Daria - What's the difference? He's gone.

Jane - True enough. Well, come on! Where are they?

Daria - In here. (points to locker)

Jane - Oh, Daria, don't be shy. Show me your boobs.

(with a sigh, Daria brings out the box and opens it to Jane's inspection)

Jane - Hmm. Why did I think this would be more interesting?

(Upchuck enters)

Upchuck - Good day, ladies! What's in the box? Art project? Science experiment? Adorable little pet? Arf!

Jane - A little of each, Upchuck. Take a look.

(Upchuck holds up implant in one hand)

Upchuck - Hmmm. Call me country bumpkin, but... what is it?

Jane - It's a fake boob.

(Upchuck shudders, drops the implant back in the box, and runs away with a screaming case of the willies)

Jane - I guess he's not quite ready for a physical relationship.

(Quinn enters)

Quinn - Daria! Daria, I need to... (sees Jane) Shoo! Shoo! I need to borrow six thousand dollars.

Daria - I don't have six thousand dollars.

Quinn - It's an emergency!

Jane - Well, if it's an emergency... (reaches into pocket)

Quinn - Here's what you do. Tell Mom and Dad that Dr. Shar says you need human growth hormone. They'll believe that.

Jane - I would.

Quinn - But instead, Dr. Shar will do me and charge them for you, and you'll probably grow anyway!

Daria - Good plan, but what makes you think Dr. Shar's gonna go for this?

Quinn - It was her idea!

Daria - I can't have this on my conscience.

Quinn - You don't have a conscience.

Daria - What I meant was, I don't feel like it.

Quinn - You've got to! Where else am I gonna get six thousand dollars?

Jane - Take up a collection?

(Quinn smiles in appreciation and exits)

Daria - You're paying for my therapy.

(in the girls bathroom; Quinn is making her sales pitch to Andrea, who is applying eye makeup)

Quinn - So you see, when you contribute to my surgery, it's like we're all sharing the surgery. We're making a statement about solidarity!

Andrea - Solidarity?

Quinn - You know, sisterhood is powerful!

Andrea - Aren't you a little worried that there may be a hell?

(in Ms. Barch's classroom)

Quinn - It's not even like I'm doing that for me. I'm doing it to bring honor to the school.

Ms. Barch - Oh, well then, why don't you apply for a federal grant, dear. Send an inquiry to the U.S. Department of Deluded Adolescents.

Quinn - Is that E-N-T-E or E-N-T-S?

(in the cafeteria; Quinn is standing next to two boys, who are seated at a table)

Boy #1 - So, what do we get if we pledge?

Quinn - You get to look at me walking around like this all day. (shows picture from Dr. Shar)

Boy #2 - No, like, what do we get?

(both boys laugh, sounding vaguely reminiscent of a certain idiot duo from Highland, Texas)

Quinn - The same thing you're getting now: nothing.

(Quinn exits, leaving both boys confused)

(in the hallway; Daria, at her locker again, is approached by Quinn)

Daria - Pledge drive not going well?

Quinn - People are so shallow! Here, this is all I got and it's for you, from Upchuck.

Daria - Why?

Quinn - Deposit. He wants to rent that fake boob for the weekend.

Daria - Listen, Quinn...

Quinn - You know, maybe I should get boobs. I bet if I got some boobs on credit, I can get the rest of the money in no time.

Daria - Quinn...

Quinn - Or maybe Dr. Shar will give me a part time job sweeping up fat or something.

Daria - Quinn...

Quinn - I mean, I like being attractive and popular. It's, like, me, okay? So if Dr. Shar makes everyone else attractive and popular, then I'll have to be even more attractive just to keep up, and then if they, like, go back her to catch up to me, then I'll have to go back, and pretty soon it'll be like one of those vicious things! (melodramatic tone) Where will it end Daria? Where will it end?

Daria - You don't need surgery, Quinn. (sighs) I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, and I'll deny I every said it, but there's nothing wrong with you. Physically. You've got the kind of looks that make other girls mentally ill. So stop it. You don't need any plastic surgery. You're perfect.

Quinn - Why do I bother talking to you?

(Stacy and Tiffany enter, holding their noses amidst an alternating chorus of "ohmigods")

Quinn - Ohmigod what?

Stacy - Did you hear what happened to Brooke?

Quinn - Yeah, she's super cute.

Tiffany - She had a nasal relapse.

Stacy - We were just talking...

Tiffany - ...and it was horrible.

Stacy - The whole thing...

(at the Morgendorffer house)

(the family is seated around the kitchen table)

Quinn - ...just caved in.

Helen - That's horrible!

Quinn - You could, like, see her brain. Or, at least, that's what Tiffany heard from Doug who heard it from Brenda whose cousin works in the emergency room.

Daria - At another hospital. In Belgium.

Quinn - And her new lips, all the fat on the top slipped down to the bottom. Now she looks like one of those beer dogs on TV.

Helen - That poor girl.

Quinn - Yeah, now she looks even less cute than she did before. Maybe the Fashion Club should send her flowers or something. I mean, since I guess she won't be joining anytime soon.

Daria - You all must be very upset about that.

Quinn - Hmm. Well, we're like a built-in support group for each other.

Daria - A regular Khmer Rouge.

Quinn - Well, blush is more like it.

(in downtown Lawndale, people are lined up on the sidewalk in front of Kevin, who's still in his ugly makeup)

Kevin - Hi! How ya doing? Here's five bucks.

Guy #1 - Thanks, dude! Great to meet you.

Kevin - Hey, what's up? Here's five bucks.

Guy #2 - Thanks, man. You're pretty cool.

Kevin - Hey, cowboy, how would you like five dollars?

(kid starts to cry)

Kevin - Oh, hey, didn't mean to scare you, little guy! Make it ten.

Kid - You're really nice. I like you.

(closing credits)