Voice of My

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Revision as of 16:47, 9 December 2020 by The-Grand-Fixer-Upper (talk | contribs) (Added external link)

Voice of My (September 11, 1988 - August 18, 2003) was a fanfic author and artist who died tragically at the age of 15 from multi-drug resistant tuberculosis.

An obituary [1] written by her friend, Deref, is followed by a brief ficlet written by Angelboy, who greatly admired her work, is linked to from her page on The Sh33p's Fluff.[2]

Bibliography of Major Works

Daria is Flushed - The author's take on a Trent/Daria shipper.

Anaphrodariac - After IICY Daria talks to Jane about sexuality.

A Note on the Library Table - The author writes a note from someone at Lawndale High.

Morning - Daria gets ready to face another day in Lawndale.

The Horrible Prom Mystery - A mystery occurs during prom, and three key witnesses give their accounts of what happened.

The Play - Daria and Jane presents a short play on family values.

Brain Art - The unusual results of an art contest.

Untitled - Daria struggles with writer's block.

External Links

  • [www.fanfiction.net/u/322214/voiceofmy Fanfiction.net Account]