A Slice of Pizza

From DariaWiki

A post-canon Daria fic written by Brother Grimace that focuses on Brittany, Kevin and Mack.

Plot Summary

Warning: The following may contain plot or ending details.

Mack, who's a promising football player, has come back to Lawndale for the summer and meets Brittany at Pizza King. They talk, and admit that they have always had feelings for each other - but Mack has never acted on those feelings because he considers Kevin to be like a brother to him. They realize, however, that they have to do things for them to be happy as well, and become a couple.

Kevin, watching from the cooking area (he works as a Pizza King cook), experienced bittersweet feelings as he watches Mack and Brittany embrace; he's sad that his time with Brittany is over, but okay with the fact that his friends are going to be together and happy.
