Alfred Phelps

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"You know something, Ms. Morgendorffer, you were right: we *are* two of a kind. We both are willing to do what we can to go that extra mile, whatever it takes to win. Just as long as we *first* put our eye on that finish line."

Math teacher at Lawndale High

Alfred Phelps is one of the newest members of the Lawndale faculty, having been lured over by Ms. Li from Fielding Preparatory Academy. Highly educated and of British birth, Phelps seems to embody the stereotype of the "proper priss," with a love of good tea and a steel rod up his bum. He is utterly disliked by most of the faculty at Lawndale High, especially DeMartino, who resents Li's favoritism toward him.

As noted by Jane (Episode#16: "Charge of the Math Brigade"), Phelps demands a lot of his students. But he has taken a particular interest in Quinn, revealed as early as Episode #6: "Cheered Down." He pushes her to embrace math, explaining that she is one of the most naturally gifted students he has ever met and should be in the advanced classes (Episode #10: "Of Absolute Value"). He even goes so far as to put her on the mathletics squad. Quinn resists at first, but grows to admire Phelps for his commitment.

Daria, however, is suspicious of Phelps. She suspects that he may be manipulating Quinn, and possibly other students, for reasons that she cannot figure out. From Episode #16 onward, she investigates his suspicious behavior, fearful that he might cause her sister harm. So far she has learned that Phelps is gay (Episode #18: "In Her Own Words"), but little else.