Anthony DeMartino: Difference between revisions

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*He has a preexisting gambling addiction (per "[[Just Add Water]]," when DeMartino first asks Ms. Li if he can get out of going to the casino night cruise, and then when he freaks out when he steps into the casino on the cruise).
*He has never been married. ("[[The Daria Diaries]]")
*He served in the Vietnam War thus explaining his mannerisms
*He was a big fan of Country-Western music (especially Waylon Jennings and Merle Haggard.)
===Misc. details===
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*His 'office' at school has an orthopedic chair "for back spasms", as well as a line of tape to mark where the door "should" be ("[[The Daria Database]]")
*He speaks with a thick New York accent.
*His appearance and speech are apparently modeled on actor Christopher Walken (due to the one blue eye).
*He is, surprisingly, a fan of 60s pop singer [ Annette Funicello] ("[[That Was Then, This Is Dumb]]")
*He did admit to liking Country-Western music (which was shocking given his New York upbringing).
==Voice Actor==
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DeMartino routinely appears in fanfiction as a supporting character, his vocal tic either represented through ''italicised'' or '''bold''' words or by RANDOMly capitALISED words - or a combination of all three. He is often shown as one of the better teachers at Lawndale and an ally of Daria.
SeveralDue fanfics have, based onto his age, military school background, mannerisms, and comments that "a lot of good men died [in Vietnam]" in his"Esteemsters", firstmany appearence,fanfics have made him a [[Vietnam War]] veteran. This was never stated in the show but makes enough sense to be widespread fanon.
When he is given a romantic pairing, a number of fics have paired him with [[Claire Defoe]] even though they had no significant interaction in canon, outside of him taking her wind chimes and throwing them in the bin in "Daria Database" ("he just couldn't ''take'' them anymore").