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In "[[Esteem Roller]]", by [[Legendeld]], Quinn recites a [[poem]] accompanied by her fellow skaters, and Daria reads a story she had written (with some spy themes, as in the canon version). Both get a good response from the audience.
"[[Grove Hell 2: All the Lawndale People]]" has Li repeatedly re-opening the cafe in the hope of making a profit from it. Daria was not in Lawndale for the original opening but performs for its fifth, again doing something deliberately designed to get at the teachers.
In "[[Blood Oath of Patriots]]", Daria had written Melody Powers to try and ''help'' O'Neill, tailoring her writing for the audience. She was secretly hurt by his reaction.
In "[[It Slipped Through My Hands, Like a Shadow, Like a Dream]]", ''Quinn'' is delivering chocolate and sells a large amount to Mrs Johansen. As a result, the woman dies.