Cafe Disaffecto: Difference between revisions

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The episode concludes with the robbery of Café Lawndale that night.
=="Cafe Disaffecto" and background character names==
This episode had a major effect on fanficfanfiction when it was discovered that a seating chart for [[Mr. O'Neill]]'s class, shown in closeup, revealed the first names of every student in the class, including nameless "backgrounders.". From this, it was deciphered:
* "[[Shaggy]]" is really called Dewey (though his more famous nickname tends to be used instead)
* "[[Burnout Girl]]" is really called Jessica (her nickname is also still commonly used)
* The [ recurring blonde] with a three-button shirt is called [[Tania]]
* The [ bespeckled, frizzy-haired brunette] is called [[Jenna]]
* The [ spiked-blue haired punk] with the nose piercing is called [[Bob]]
* There are ''two'' other Jennifers in the same class, a [ bun-headed black girl] and [ a caucasian brunette]
* The [ cropped-haired Asian lad] is called Rob
* The [ ginger-haired girl with a distinctive hat] is called Kelly
* The [ short-brown-haired guy] is called Les.
* The [ short, spike-fronted blond guy] is called Josh
* The [ wavy-haired blond guy] is called Zack
Also, O'Neill has called [[Andrea]] ''Hayley''.
Kelly and Tania are seen sitting together later in the same episode. Les later resurfaces as part of the [[Lawndale High Track Team]].
==“Cafe Disaffecto” and Fanfic==
This episode had a major effect on fanfic when it was discovered that a seating chart for [[Mr. O'Neill]]'s class, shown in closeup, revealed the first names of every student in the class, including nameless "backgrounders."
Throughout [[Kara Wild]]'s [[Driven Wild Universe]] series, Cafe Lawndale undergoes several changes. In "[[The Tie That Chokes]]," it returns to being a student coffee house, with the added presence of armed security. In "[[Erin the Head]]," Cafe Lawndale has closed altogether and has been turned into a new "happening" venue called the Metreonopolis. Finally, in "[[Into the Fire]]," we learn that the Metreonopolis was shut down and turned into the more tasteful, sedate Café Brunoli, which caters to older clientèle. In each case, with the exception of the last one, disaster befell the café just as it did in "Cafe Disaffecto."
