Cafe Disaffecto: Difference between revisions

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Also, O'Neill has called [[Andrea]] ''Hayley''.
[[Image:SeatingChart_thirdperiod.jpg|thumb|300px|The freshmen seating chart]]
Kelly and Tania are seen sitting together later in the same episode. Les and the black Jennifer later resurface as part of the [[Lawndale High Track Team]].
The seating chart for a freshman class is also shown. As well as the [[Three Js]], [[Tiffany]], [[Cindy (backgrounder)|Cindy]], and [[Skyler Feldman|Skyler]], we learn there's:
* Two other Tiffany's
* Three Marks
* Anna
* Glen
* Paul
* [ Shane]
* Ruby
* Micky
* Charles
* Emma
* Roger
The class must have changed at some point, as we later see Quinn, Stacy, and Sandi are in the same class as Tiffany and the Js. Shane and Cindy are named after ''Daria'' staff that they've been modelled on; Ruby may be the background character "[ Sour Red]" (cos she's a redhead innit).
==“Cafe Disaffecto” and Fanfic==
