Cafe Disaffecto: Difference between revisions

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[[Image:Coffee VS coffee.png|thumb|300px|alt.lawndale and logos, as first noticed by [ It Really Makes You Think] podcast.]]
This is the first canon appearance of Melody Powers. This fictional-character-within-the-series would get a strong backing and response by the fandom.
The logo for is modelled after then-hip-now-dead New York cafe
The episode was not part of the first half of the [[Daria Day]] marathon to open Season 2. [[Off-canon canon|Jane said]] it was not airing for "complex technical reasons" - "They lost the tape," said Daria - but it later aired after everything else and another "College Bored" rerun.
In 2000, MTV created a [[Virtual Lawndale]] website feature - which said the cafe has been closed down ever since this episode!
O'Neill states he identifies with Daria's essay about being a "misfit whom everyone hates"; in "[[The Daria Diaries]]", he would say Daria reminds him of himself as a child...
