Carter County: Difference between revisions

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A county referred to in ''[[The Daria Database]]'' and various website material.
It first turns up in a reprinted [[Mystik Spiral]] Fan Club newsletter and map, advertising the band's tour of Carter County. [[Lawndale]] was eight hours away from the nearest part of Carter, and 22 hours from the furthest (despite not being ''that'' big a county). The map shows a large rubbish dump, various murder sites, crime scenes, the State Prison for the Criminally Insane, and "guy with hook for hand"; there are many strip joints ([[Jug-Yaya-Lug Lounge]] and [[Big Butts]] among them) and extremely dubious bars in Carter, including one with no roof and the ex-con bar 15 To Life. It's a dive, basically.
In the MTV website material, Carter County is the name of Lawndale's home county and the home of other suburban towns like [[Oakwood]], Eagleton, and Oak Pine. It gets a mention on [[Lawndale High]]'s website and [[Todd K. Feichmann]] created a Fantasy Football website for Carter County high school teams (actually a sinister revenge plot against jocks).
