Daria Fandom Blog

Revision as of 23:54, 1 June 2007 by m>Greybird (rewordings; broadened scope; graf on essays and reviews; contributors classified; "stub" removed)

The Daria Fandom Blog (DFB) is a blog mainly devoted to chronicling the events of the Daria message boards, including current controversies and listings of new fanworks.

As its founder CINCGREEN wrote in his initial post of December 26, 2004, "We read the Daria message boards, so YOU don't have to!"

Its contributors also post essays about the series and the fandom in general. A recent series of extensive reviews has been posted for each of the original episodes on the tenth anniversary of its first airing.

Current active contributors are CINCGREEN and Greybird. Past contributors include Jackie Dobson and Frank Sinisterra.

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