Eric Schrecter

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Eric Schrecter is Helen Morgendorffer's boss, a senior partner at the law firm where she works.

He appears to have been a founding member of the firm. It's implied that his specialty is Tax Law.

Eric is a brutal slave driver, known to call Helen at all hours, and openly ridiculing lawyers at other firms for taking paternity leave. Several episodes also imply that he has questionable ethics, and is a drug addict (stimulants of some kind).

The firm is known to have a "Glass Ceiling," with no women partners. Helen seems on track to be the first as the series ended.

He has at least one niece, Jasmine, who is seen in the episode "Pierce Me."

There were some, limited, implications (a brief aria in the musical episode Daria! for example) in the series that Eric would sleep with Helen, given the opportunity.

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