Eric Schrecter

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Eric Schrecter is Helen Morgendorffer's boss, a senior partner at Vitale, Horowitz, Riordan, Schrecter, Schrecter, and Schrecter, the law firm where she works.

Eric in Canon

Eric's personality seems to be a combination of brutal taskmaster and needy infant. Both sides of his personality lead him to call Helen at all hours, with no regard for her family life or situation. In the episode "Fire!," when Helen tells him the Morgendorffers' house is on fire, he asks if he can stay on hold. Similarly, during "Jake of Hearts," Eric's insistence on continuing a pointless conversation keeps Helen on the phone even as Jake is having a heart attack. He has also been shown to ridicule lawyers at other firms for taking paternity leave. Several episodes imply that he has questionable ethics, and the episode "Angst Nauseum" suggests he is addicted to amphetamines and has been in rehab at least twice to treat this addiction.

There are some indications that his interest in Helen isn't merely professional. The most obvious of these is in the musical episode, Daria!, where he begins a song with the words "Helen, you're so swell-en," but quickly cuts off with the words, "I'll email you!"

He has at least one niece, Jasmine, who is seen in the episode "Pierce Me."

Eric in Fanfiction

The most common portrayal of Eric in fanfiction is similar to canon—the slave-driving boss who, inadvertently or deliberately, comes between Helen and her family. Many stories play up Eric's attraction to Helen, though there are very few, if any, Helen/Eric shippers.

In stories featuring Jim Vitale, Eric is portrayed as an groveling incompetent unfit for the most important activities of the firm. Vitale generally keeps him around as a verbal punching bag, and always refers to him as Asshat, rather than by his given name. Other fanfic partners, such as Richard Riordan, also treat him with disrespect.