Erin Danielson-Chambers: Difference between revisions

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Sometime during her late teens, Erin was an intern in the Clinton White House. (It is strongly hinted that this occurred because Rita Barksdale, her mother, had a previous relationship with Bill Clinton.) It was there that Erin met [[Kyle Armalin]], at that time a Colonel in the [[U.S. Marine Corps]] and a briefing officer to the White House staff on DELPHI operations; he was also living in the same apartment complex that Rita had bought Erin accommodations. Erin and Kyle began a very intense relationship that wasn't acceptable to Erin's mother and grandmother, and a visit by Kyle to the Barksdale estate failed to smooth matters over. (It was suggested later by [[Hanley Phillips]] that if Kyle had brought up details of his life such as being a fighter pilot or having played football while a cadet at the U.S. Naval Academy - including his performance in an 'Army-Navy' game - the reception he received would have been much more cordial and accepting.)
The relationship ended when Kyle suddenly disappeared from Erin's life and from public view. (This was a result of his refusal to coerce [[Trent Lane]] into [[DELPHI]], and his subsequent transfer to the Arctic.) After a period of depression about the affair, Erin met 'Brian' Chambers, and married him a year later (with much prodding from her mother and grandmother). The relationship fell apart almost immediately, and (unlike her counterpart on [[Daria-Prime]]), Erin felt no need to later try to rekindle the relationship, as she did not contract herpes from Brian. (It is unclear how this occurred; either (most unlikely) Brian did not have the disease, or Erin is a Delta Nightbreed due to her long-term, intimate relationship with Kyle.) Also, Erin refused to sign the pre-nup agreement that Brian wanted, denying him any claim on her financial assets.
Erin encountered Kyle once again, when he was teaching a special sociology at [[Lawndale High]], and they resumed their relationship after several rough moments. It remains to be seen if their relationship will endure; after finding out the purpose of Kyle's true purpose at LHS from Brian and [[Franklin Davers]], Erin was devastated.
