Jesse Moreno

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Revision as of 21:02, 13 February 2009 by m>Nighthawk

Closest friend and former classmate of Trent Lane, guitarist in Mystik Spiral.

He is, frankly, portrayed as being about as stupid as Tiffany Blum-Deckler. His most frequent word, really syllable, uttered is a clueless-sounding "yeah!"

Typical dialogue includes the following, from Is It Fall Yet?

  • (The setting is the end of the first set at a Mystik Spiral concert.)
  • Trent: We'll be back later for our second set.
  • Jesse: This was the first set!
  • Trent: Ah....Yeah.

He is at one point described, by Jane Lane, as the "rhythm guitarist," for the band, but he did take the solo for the Spiral's video, Freaking Friends.

Fanfic was occasionally known to have Jane Lane hooking up with Jesse, presumably to make a double-couple with Trent and Daria Morgendorffer.