
From DariaWiki
Luhrman in wedding-party tuxedo

Luhrman appeared in one episode: "I Don't." He was a member of the wedding party at cousin Erin's wedding, apparently on the groom's side. He was paired with Daria, and the pairing proved marginally apt, because Luhrman displayed a level of cynical sarcasm that approached Daria's.

For example:

  • Daria - So, Luhrman. Is that your first name or your last name?
  • Luhrman - Does it matter?

Or this:

  • (Said to Erin's husband after a display of caveman-like sexism.) "I'm sorry, what did you say you do? I thought I heard intelligence, but that can't be right."

Or the following sparkling exchange:

  • (Luhrman mumbles something)
  • Daria - Mmm-hmm. What did you say?
  • Luhrman - Just a little pointless chit chat. Forget it. Would you like another soda?
  • Daria - No, uh...
  • Luhrman - Or shall we just split a bottle of drain cleaner? (Daria stares at him) Please be assured that my remark was intended in jest, and not as an incitement to any type of self-destructive behavior.
  • Daria - You're not from around here, are you?

Or the fact that he turned down an opportunity to escape the wedding with Daria and Amy, choosing instead to stay and "watch the carnage," as multiple drunken brawls began to erupt.

Luhrman's sarcasm fueled speculation in fan fiction that he and Daria might be a viable couple. However, as he appeared in only one episode, such a pairing never happened.

Almost nothing is known about him, including what relationship he could have possibly had to either half of the hapless, stupid couple getting married.

Luhrman in color

External Links

Luhrman-centric Fanfiction