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'''Out Here On My Own''' is [[Legion of Lawndale Heroes]] Chapter 11.1 - the first part of the long-running fanfiction series created by [[Roentgen]] to be written by [[Brother Grimace]].
It should be noted that chapters written by Brother Grimace tend to be somewhat longer in page length than the chapters written by Roentgen.
==Plot Spoilers==
<font color="#FFFFFF">The story picks up eleven weeks after the fire that Sandi Griffin was trapped in; using her newly-discovered ability to telepathically track and pinpoint lifesigns, Daria Morgendorffer alerts Jane Lane and Tom Sloane as to where Sandi can be found. Tom rescues her, and in the process discovers that he has a superhuman visual ability he coins 'shape-vision'. Sandi is relatively unhurt by her narrow escape.
<font color="#FFFFFF">The story picks up eleven weeks after the fire that Sandi Griffin was trapped in; using her newly-discovered ability to telepathically track and pinpoint lifesigns, Daria Morgendorffer alerts Jane Lane and Tom Sloane as to where Sandi can be found. Tom rescues her, and in the process discovers that he has a superhuman visual ability he coins 'shape-vision'. Sandi is relatively unhurt by her narrow escape.
Sandi is also becoming more focused in her training after her brush with disaster, and this is noticed by Kyle Armalin, who has taken her under his wing for training in a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Padawan#Jedi_ranks Padawan]-like manner (for example, he is having her learn how to handle firearms and light energy weapons).
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Kyle and the members of the Legion training cadre hold a meeting; Sandi's improved attitude and performance in training is noted and complimented, as is Charles' flight training, and the revelation of Daria's life-scan ability. It is also revealed that Daria has developed the ability to subconsciously link with others in order to speak their languages.
Brittany's continuing inabilty to effectively train as a paramedic is addressed, with the consensus being that she should consider switching her training over towards being an infiltration specialist. The meeting ends with Kyle, after agreeing on the current level of ability throughout the Legionnaires' ranks, informing the cadre that the Legionnaires should be sent upon a training session known only as 'the Outlast'.</color>
*This story takes place eleven weeks after "[[Hold Nothing Back]]" (LLH 10:3).
*[[Kyle Armalin|Armalin]] is promoted to full colonel sometime between 10:3 and 11:1.
*It is implied that in the future, the only Legionnaire marriages that will survive are the two between Legionnaires.
*Brittany's maternal grandfather was a Civil War re-enactor and taught her how to shoot when she was a child
==Dramatis Personae==
*Jahr, one of the Legion instructors
*Randall -- another instructor, one who can speak Aramaic
*Samuels, who is unfortunately in charge of Brittany's medical training.
[http://www.outpost-daria-reborn.info/fanfic/llh/llhv2-101_out_here_on_my_own.html "Out Here On My Own" at Outpost Daria Reborn]
