Quinn (Series)

From DariaWiki

Quinn is a series of post-canon fics by WildDogJJ. As the name implies, it focuses on Quinn Morgendorffer, following her on her senior year of high school, through college, and well into her adulthood. Much like Daria, the series has five seasons. The stories are as follows:

Quinn, Season 1 (aka "Quinn, The Mini-Series")

The first season was originally going to be a 13 episode mini series about Quinn's senior year, but proved so popular that I decided to make it an ongoing series. It cansists of the following...

1. Burger World: At the start of Quinn's senior year Helen forces Quinn to get an after school job at Burger World. When Linda does the same to Sandi they rope Stacy and Tiffany to work at Burger World as well. They all prove to be woefully incompetent at their new job.

2. New Horizons: With the Fashion Club officially disbanded both Quinn and Stacy decide to broaden their horizons. Stacy joins the school paper while Quinn gets roped into the herculean task of tutoring Kevin.

3. Sibling Anxiety: Daria's having a hard time adjusting to college life and takes it out on Quinn. After a ton of soul searching both sisters come to a newfound understanding of and appreciation for each other, allowing them to put their sibling rivalry behind them for good.

4. Beauty Quinn: Both Quinn and Sandi participate in Ms. Li's latest fundraising scheme...a school beauty pageant.

5. When Fashionistas Attack: Tensions between Quinn and Sandi finally reach the breaking point, resulting in an epic showdown.

6. Sappy Holidays: The good news: Daria's home for Christmas. The bad news: So are Rita and Grandma Barksdale (first appearance of Emma Barksdale).

7. Intervention: Lindy's drinking has gotten so out of control that Quinn and the rest decide to stage an intervention.

8. Quinn's Addition: Grateful for Quinn's support a now sober Lindy sets her up with a guy who seems a little too perfect. Meanwhile, Stacy learns some very incriminating information about Ms. Li.

9. The Legend of Mad Dog Morgendorffer: Quinn has to do a biographic essay of a combat veteran. She decides to do it about her grandfather, the infamous Mad Dog.

10. Sisters Gone Wild: Quinn and Stacy decide to spend Spring Break in Miami and drag Daria and Jane along.

11. Acceptance : Quinn waits to find out if she got into Pepperhill. Meanwhile, a very lonely Sandi decides to make peace with Quinn.

12. There Can Only Be One: The three J's fight over who'll be Quinn's prom date.

13. Farewell, Lawndale High: Quinn and her friends prepare to graduate and proceed to the next chapter of their lives.