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[[Image:Daria2002.gif|frame|right|Daria at a party with real people on MTV's ''Daria's New Year Outlook,'' 12/31/2001]]
A '''reality crossover''' is a ''Daria'' fanfic in which one or more characters enter the "real world" that we know, possibly meeting real-life fans, fanfiction authors, fan artists, or even the ''Daria'' show's creators in [[real person fiction]]. A reality crossover might also be a story in which the ''Daria'' characters are revealed to be [[Off-canon canon#Daria: Real Character or Cartoon Actress?|actors]] who take part in the TV series. The series was well known for having [[Daria Morgendorffer|Daria]] and [[Jane Lane|Jane]] appear in [[off-canon canon]] situations in which they either appear in the real world or else have knowledge of it and their existence as cartoon characters.
It is possible to consider a reality crossover as the exact opposite of [[real-person fiction]]. In the former, Daria or one of her cohorts appears in the real world; in the latter, a real-life celebrity appears in a [[Dariaverse]].
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* [ "Canon Fodder,"] by [[Roentgen]]: Characters-as-actors story.
* [ "Drawn & Quartered,"] by [[TAG]]: Characters-as-actors story.
* [ "MTV Ruins Everything,"] by [[Seldavia]]: [[Daria]] writes the show.
* [ "Selling Sarcasm (Is a Great Way to Deal),"] by [[Shane Greentree]]: Characters-as-actors [[scriptfic]].
* [ "The Slacker Within,"] by [[Medea42]]: [[Trent Lane|Trent]] comes to the real world.
* [ "The Trouble with Cast Parties,"] by [[Jill Palmer]]: Characters-as-actors story.
* [ "Walls? What Walls?"] by [[smk]]: Daria, in spirit, visits a fanfic author.