Red Roses for a Pink Lady

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Revision as of 21:20, 20 April 2008 by Brother Grimace (talk | contribs)

Red Roses for a Pink Lady is the seventy-second installment of Roentgen's Legion of Lawndale Heroes series. It is also titled 9:4 (Chapter 9, Part 4).

Warning: The following may contain plot or ending details.

The Legion fights Black Majesty...but can they survive?


  • Emergencies at Legion Tower are keyed in to member phones. Upchuck and Tiffany receive the message:
  • Return to Legion Tower Immediately
  • Press *3 to Acknowledge.
  • Stacy's powers as an "Omega Nightbreed" manifest for the first time during the battle with Black Majesty. This is only a partial manifestation; the full extent of her powers are hinted at in 'Sparring Session and fully manifest in 'Bop Til You Drop'.
  • Black Majesty uses a vastly powerful transmutation/transfiguration spell referred to as a 'Charm of Making]] to totally repair all damage done to Legion Tower as a result of his and Quinn's powers. The charm inadvertantly restores Kyle Armalin's previously-deactivated telepathic power and removes the blocks that kept him from accessing his full power levels.
  • Daria is shown to have very little skill at telepathic defense; this is mentioned again in 'Two Tribes' and 'Behind Blue Eyes]]'.

This is the first (and only) appearance of an AK gun, which Kyle uses to halt Ba\lack Majesty's attack.

Dramatis Personae
