Rita Barksdale

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Rita Barksdale

Rita Barksdale is Helen Morgendorffer's older sister. The mother of one daughter, Erin, she has had a succession of boyfriends and possibly husbands. According to Helen, Rita was their mother's favorite daughter, which has led to strained relations between the sisters. All three sisters appeared at the same time in the episodes "I Don't" and "Aunt Nauseum," when they finally buried their past arguments and made up (thanks to nudging from Daria and Quinn).

The ages of the various Barksdale sisters—Rita, Helen, and Amy—remained a mystery until two interviews with show creator Glenn Eichler in March 2005. Rita is the oldest, Helen is next, and Amy is the youngest.


In fanfiction, due to the questions surrounding the birth order, Rita was frequently portrayed as younger than Helen.

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