Sammi Rudolph

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Revision as of 02:08, 17 June 2007 by m>The Angst Guy

Samantha 'Sammi' Rudolph is a fictional character first seen in the miniseries "A Path of Roses and Thorns." The owner of a number of high-end fashion boutiques in the Washington-Baltimore area (and the designer of Amy Barksdale's wedding gown), Sammi is in her early twenties and the current inamorata of Paula Trainor. Sammi is quite attractive, and has a very thick, long mass of dark blonde hair which she usually wears in a thick, heavy braid. She's also known for having very poor personal taste in her own attire, which is believed by some to be just a facade, and for having a crush on Vice President Al Gore. A wealthy woman because of her business, Sammi's guilty pleasures include expensive shoes and flirting with anything in sight.