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"The Lost Girls" and "The Story of D" have work by Daria (non-fiction and fiction respectively) submitted for publication; in the first case, O'Neill did it without telling her, and in the latter Daria did it after pushing from Tom. She was highly reluctant in "The Story of D", stating she felt she wasn't good enough for publication and being afraid of trying only to face rejection. The article in "Lost Girls" was going to be published in [[Val Magazine]] (until Daria annoyed Val); her virus story in "D" was rejected by the magazine ''[[Musings]]'' as not being suitable, but they encouraged her to submit again, something they rarely did.
==Daria's websites==
{{quote|Cyberspace anonymity encourages antisocial, antagonistic behavior without the deterring fear of getting your ass whipped for real if you offend someone. So maybe it's a good thing after all.|Daria, RPG website}}
[[Image:Dariacomputer.gif|right|frame|From the homepage of Daria's Net Nodule of Negativity v2]]
In "[[The New Kid]]", Daria wants to get the software to create a website - and thanks to [[MTV]]'s own website, we saw that she did indeed create some! Her first two were called the Net Nodule of Negativity.
[http://web.archive.org/web/19991012192815/http://mtv.com/mtv/tubescan/animation/daria/homepage_bak030599/index.html The first one was made in 1999]. It features:
* Chain Letter: "Forward this email to 10 people you know and trust. If you follow these instructions, within 7 days you will have 10 fewer friends."
* Wallpapers of herself and .wav sounds of her family
* A list of tongue-in-cheek hobbies
[http://web.archive.org/web/20010610230304/http://www.mtv.com/mtv/tubescan/animation/daria/daria_CHP2/index.html In early 2000], she updated her website to feature:
* The Hall of Hobbies, where you could do a quiz to see which was the hobby for you
* Chain Letter Corner, now where you can create your own chain letter. "Enjoy the illusion of choice, by selecting items from a limited, pre-determined menu."
* Daria's Party Planner (no, seriously), which gives you random tips on how to make a party less horrible ("upon entering, note all exits") and the ability to personalise your own party invites.
[http://web.archive.org/web/20000510044007/http://mtv.com/mtv/tubescan/animation/daria/daria_pg.html Later in 2000] - when MTV were doing a retro-scifi theme for the millenium - Daria did a page discussing her experiences with online RPGs. She also had created two of her own, DariaMUD and Pseudonym's Quest. The MUD opens telling you "there is no magical land. There is only a gas station and one of those rent-a-mailbox places".
==Daria's future==
[[Image:Dariascientist.jpg|rightleft|frame|How Daria viewed her future self in "[[Lane Miserables]]"]]
For many years, all we knew about Daria's [[post-canon]] life is that she goes to [[Raft College]]. We don't know what course she did there.


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