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The Teachings of Don Jake: Difference between revisions

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The Morgendorffers go camping in a forest, a place known of Helen and Jake, who reminiscence of their past trip. Jake is noticeably happy and excited, though he also starts to rave about his childhood and his deceased father, [["Mad Dog" Morgendorffer]].
Jane and Trent attend the Lane reunion, but things quickly go downhill: in the plane, Trent unknowingly insults [[Aunt Bernice|their aunt]], who happened to be sitting next to them; there is no means of transportation to the house, so they have to get there on foot; at the reunion, Jane is forced to tell some embarrassing news about her sister [[Summer Lane|Summer]] and her children to a curious relative, and is loudly insulted by an elderly great-[[Grandma Lane|grandmother]]; Trent meets [[Uncle Max]], who loudly and drunkenly proclaims his liking of Trent (because he is a bum).
Meanwhile, at the Morgendorffers campsite, at night, the four entertain themselves by telling spooky stories, though the impact is somewhat off: Jake only tells stories about his childhood; Helen tries to tell a vampire story, but can't bring herself to say the more intimate details; and Quinn tells a fairy tale mixed with fashion commentaries. Only Daria is able to shake the general boredom as she tells a story filled with explicitly gory details that cause the rest of the family to get sick. Later, in the tent, the two Morgendorffer sisters reminisce about the past.
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The Morgendorffer camping trip ends up by not having a calming long term effect: when receiving a large bill for the rescue (including their helicopter evacuation), Jake snaps again and bursts out blood vessels, this time in both his eyes.


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