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*All Mantoids are telepathic.
*All Mantoids possess the ability to form a telepathic link with humans (and possibly other creatures) in order to communicate. This ability can be used through physical contact
*All Mantoids possess the ability to psionically control other creatures. While they can control humans (and other alien races) from an (as-yet unspecified) distance, the control is nearly irrestibleirresistible when a Mantoid is in physical contact with a victim. This mental control has varying levels of success upon humans, some of whom are resistant or even immune to this control.
The Mantoids are currently engaged in a breeding program in order to breed the mental resistance trait out of humans. (See ''Mantoid Breeding Program''.) The Mantoids may also be capable of a low-level form of broadcast empathy, as they can seem to project their current emotional state while using their mental control.
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===Luck and other superstitions===
A curious abberationaberration to Mantoid society is that the Mantoids are very superstitious, to the point that it overrides almost everything else about their attitudes. Superstitious beliefs hold a very strong place in Mantoid society; for example, the concept of 'good luck' and 'bad luck' is so strong that a Mantoid who is believed to be possesedpossessed of 'bad luck' could possibly be killed by other Mantoids, in order to prevent that bad luck from somehow being transmitted to other Mantoids. Conversely, Mantoids who have managed to demonstrate that they are somehow possessed of 'good luck' are revered and move up in all facets of Mantoid society, including the opportunity to select better breeding partners (in the belief that the offspring will be born with the potential for greater luck).
The Mantoids realize that some humans are possessed of 'good and bad luck' to the point of being considered 'cursed' or 'blessed' beings; in these cases, the Mantoids will either try to keep that human near at all times (in the case of humandhumans with good luck) or simply pretend that the human doesn't exist (in the case of bad luck). However, they will blanch at even the mention of killing that human, for fear of catastrophe; in the case that they capture such a human, he or she is treated as kindly as possible, allowed a measure of free movement and is not allowed to come to any harm, but is not allowed to go free (as the escape of a 'cursed' human is seen as a omen of catastrophe for the Mantoids).
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*Humans who become addicted to the drug ‘purge’ themselves of even decades of contamination, and become as flavorful as newborns to Mantoids. After continued heavy use, their body puts off a strong scent that, to Mantoids, is very intoxicating and indicative of that human’s flavor. Human males reaching this point will be eaten after they are bred one last time to several female workers (once those females are known to have conceived).
*Mantoids have a ‘scale of taste’ concerning humans (much like the USDA scale for grading meat and eggs). In addition, most humans have an unpleasant scent (due to decades of 'chemical contamination' from consuming artifically-artificially enhanced foods and drink, as well as being around such things as clorinated water and second-hand smoke), and so the solution is also a very effective cleaning solution which is used everywhere humans and Mantoids have any contact.
*Non-breeder females who drink the solution when pregnant purify their child’s form of 'contaminants' from the mother's body, making it as flavorful and desirable as a child born to breeders. (They do not develop an addiction because the solution is absorbed directly through the placenta and into the womb, where it concentrates and ‘seasons’ the fetus while also bonding with contaminants that pass through and are removed through the mother.)
*Non-breeder females can also drink the solution to cleanse themselves of any possible STD or any other disease, which would interfere with childbirth. Unlike men, women can consume the solution for a far longer period without running the risk of addiction, and can tell when they are approaching the point of addiction because they will experience a very heavy menstrual flow outside of their normal cycle.
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===Mantoid Breeding Program===
For at least sixty years, humans from all over Earth have been captured and enslaved by the Mantoids for various uses, including breeding human beings that are considered more flavorful to Mantoid tastes, as well as for diminished suceptabilitysusceptibility to Mantoid mental control. (This may also be due to some comfirmationconfirmation of the theory that all humans possess, in some measure, the potential for psionic ability, and that potential may act (in and of itself) as an innate resistance to mental control.)
Captured humans are given both physical and mental examinations (which are administered by the Gnomes) to rate them on a scale of psionic resistance and taste, and are then marked by the Gnomes with identifying markers that the Mantoids can recognize which signify their ratings. During those examinations, contaminants within the human body can be quickly extracted ithoutwithout harm to the person. (This process must not be able to remove long-term contaminants of all forms, as the mantoidsMantoids still use the purifying drug for the humans.)
Even though a great number of humans are not seen as suitable for the breeding program, the Mantoids still encourage a high level of sexual activity within the human slave population, as it provides a surplus of human infants for comsumptionconsumption. Several methods used to stimulate high levels of sexual activity include the simple, formless tunics of a thin fabric provided for human wear (they display the human form for general view, and the humans are given no undergarments), the aprodisiacaphrodisiac/anti-inhibition drugs that are in the 'blue food bars' (given out for excellent work), and the fact that the humans are given nothing else to do besides work and remain inside their sleeping areas. (This may be different aboard other vessels and breeding areas; for example, the control of large amounts of humans aboard constructs such as [[The Habitat]] may, in fact, require the use of some forms of mass media. This has not been confirmed as of yet.)
The Mantoids have demonstrated a total and absolute level of intolerance for male homosexuality within the human slave population, as (in their eyes) such activity is a waste of valuable genetic material. Human males caught ''willingly'' engaging in homosexual acts are remanded to the breeding laboratories, where they are forcibly subjected to procedures that exposes them to drugs designed to dramatically increase their levels of sperm production, which are then harvested according to precisely-timed schedules. Unfortunately, the stimulation of sperm production causes rapid and painful damage to many of the vital system in the victim's body, including the male reproductive system and the cardiovascular system. Men subjected to these procedures typically live between four to twelve weeks after they begin, depending on their health and resistance to pain and stress. The Mantoids have no consideration towards lesbianism, as they will either inject the woman with the 'blue bar' drugs, or restrain her upon a breeding table and compel a male slave to breed with her.
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The only weapon seen so far in Mantoid use is a device informally named the ‘barbell device’. The Barbell is a heavy, handheldhand-held weapon in the shape of a barbell, with a baseball-sized globe on one end (the globe contains elements inside that are reminiscent of a plasma globe) and a opening on the opposite end that contains a tri-bladed spike about nine inches long. The device can be used for hand-to-hand combat, as it is reinforced and can be used to strike others for blunt damage, or stab them with the spike (designed to make victims bleed out faster). The Barbell can also fire searing pulses of white-hot plasma from the globe end that can cause immediate death to humans up to fifty yards away; the globe of the weapon '''always''' emits strands of electricity within before it is about to fire. The Barbell’s energy-projection ability seems to be controlled mentally by the user to determine the direction and intensity of the pulse.
There have been only two spacecraft seen to date:
*UFO's - these are small, conoidal craft piloted by the Grays and used for abducting humans. These craft are two-seaters, with small areas where abducted humans are subdued and held for transport to a larger vessel. These ships also have energy weapons capable of stunning humans or of facilitating a state of deep sleep (for ease or removal, as well as ‘tractor beams’, which can manipulate matter to create holes in walls and draw human captives into the vessel.
*The Councilor Vessel - the vessel that [[Daria Morgendorffer]] and her friends are currently housed upon. It is docked with [[The Habitat]], and serves as one of perhaps many vessels used by the Mantoids. It is believed to have been a vessel built by the 'Gnomes', but was caturedcaptured by the Mantoids for their use. Nothing is known of the vessel except that it was once an elegant ship for travel, with many beautiful tapestries and other artworks in view throughtthroughout the vessel, but that those works were desecrated by the Mantoids.
The other space vehicle seen to date is [[The Habitat]]. (See full entry.)
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The Gnomes are a technologically advanced race (superior to either human or Mantoid development), and are responsible for maintaining the technology of the Mantoid spacecraft. They are also highly advanced in the field of biotechnology, and were the ones who have created many of the drugs and other bio-advancements that the Mantoids use, including the technology for the Mantoid breeding program.
The Gnomes have a deep-seated hatred of the Mantoids, and will willingly join in on any revolt against the Mantoids that has a chance of success. With their knowledge and physical abilities, they could become valuable allies.
===The Grays===
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Nothing is known of this race, except that they were also captured and enslaved by the Mantoids due to the Mantoids' psi-abilities.
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