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The Slaver Mantoids are an intelligent, space-faring race of insectoid origin that are the primary antagonists in [[Ostragoth]]’s ongoing [[WIP|fic-in-progress]], [[Estrangsters]].
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Nothing of the Slaver Mantoid’s history is known at this point, except that they are a race that lives by enslaving and and using other intelligent and semi-intelligent races to do their bidding. From what has been seen of their vessels (see Spacecraft entry), it is safe to assume that they are a race that has acted to forcibly appropriate advanced technology for their own use, rather than create their own. It is also safe to assume that the Mantoids have been aware of Earth and humans for at least sixty years (as the first reports of 'flying saucers' were in the post World War II period), and have been abducting humans for at least that long, if not longer.
The term 'Slaver Mantoids' was coined by human slaves aboard their vessels. The true name of their race is currently unknown.
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The Slaver Mantoids seem to consider all other races they encounter as property or lesser animals with which they can do as they see fit, and seem to harbor no consideration for the self-determination or rights of other races. They have a pronounced interest in humans, as they see the human race as valuable animals; useful for work of various forms, as conscripted combat troops, and as a food source. It is not known if humans are a primary source, but humans are a preferred choice when possible, with newborn infants especially valued as a priced delicacy. Mantoids seem to prefer live prey, and also seem to relish the psychic sensations of fear and terror from their victims as much as consuming their bodies. If a Mantoid has a choice between live prey, deceased beings or flora, they will always choose the live prey, and then fauna. Only Mantoids on the verge of starvation will consume deceased bodies. This seems to be part of their value system, and to do do is a social taboo to the extent that many Mantoids would allow themselves to expire rather than consume the dead (no matter how recent the time of death). Mantoids also consider cannabalismcannibalism to be a severe taboo, which is partly why the use of some insect-based materials (honey and royal jelly) is also considered an illicit activity.
While the majority of Mantoids see humans (and other races) as cattle at best, some have a predilection to forcibly use human slaves as an extension of themselves to experience the pleasurable sensations of human sexual activity. This may add to the theory that the Mantoids (like many creatures) are sexually active only for the purposes of reproduction, as most Mantoids and the slave races consider this behavior perverse, and such individuals are considered deviants to normal Mantoid society.
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There have been only two kinds of Mantoid spacecraft seen to date:
*UFO's - these are small craft piloted by the Grays and used for abducting humans. These craft are two-seaters, with small areas where abducted humans are subdued and held for transport to a larger vessel. These ships also have energy weapons capable of stunning humans or of facilitating a state of deep sleep (for ease or removal, as well as ‘tractor beams’, which can manipulate matter to create holes in walls and draw human captives into the vessel.
*The Councilor Vessel - the vessel that [[Daria Morgendorffer]] and her friends are currently housed upon. It is docked with [[The Habitat]], and serves as one of perhaps many vessels used by the Mantoids. It is believed to have been a vessel built by the 'Gnomes', but was captured by the Mantoids for their use. Nothing is known of the vessel except that it was once an elegant ship for travel, with many beautiful tapestries and other artworks in view throughout the vessel, but that those works were desecrated by the Mantoids.
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