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Battlestar Galactica fans may find humour in the title "Boxing Daria". In BSG "Boxing" was the term for removing a conciousness from a Cylon body, effectively killing it (but they can later resurrect them). This is especially apt as this is the last episode of Daria, so she and her show are "boxed".
Watchmen fans may notice a similarity between Daria and Rorschach. Both are uncompromising for example. Daria's statement in the coffee shop "It's the sudden realization that all these years, when I thought they were torturing me, in reality I was the one torturing them." mirror Rorschach statement in prison of "I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me!". Coincidentally an inkblot test also appears in this episode.
=="Boxing Daria" and Fanfic==
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