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Julia Carlyle: Difference between revisions

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* Julia possesses superhuman strength; she can lift and carry up to 1000 pounds (or up to twenty tons while in flight/her wings are extended). She can carry up to 400 pounds with no effort.
* her eyesight is incredibly acute (superior to predatory birds), her eyes are adapted for flight, and her hearing is also superhumanlyenhanced developedto metahuman levels.
* she possesses superhuman agility which allows her to both fly and fight in incredibly tight areas at very high speeds, and superhuman endurance at the pinnacle that humanoid beings can possess.
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'''Healing Ability:''' Julia can actively trigger production of her regeneration/healing ability into her bodily fluids (specifically in her saliva, sweat and blood) so that it can heal others through physical contact or use of those fluids. Any exposure to these fluids grants a person the effects of Julia's ability for a short period of time (roughly fifteen minutes). A kiss from Julia can heal even mortal injury or terminal diseases, and a transfusion of her blood can resurrect a person who has been dead up to twelve hours. While Julia's healing ability '''cannot''' cure genetic diseases or abnormalities, it '''can''' allow a person to survive indefinitely (as well as regenerate their bodies to human-normal proportions/appearance) with regular infusions.
'''Advanced TelocationTelelocation:''' Julia has the ability to lock onto a person's mind (after handling a personal item of the target) and track them down. Julia's ability allows her to track a target anywhere within a 50-mile radius. (If she has no personal object to focus her powers on, she is limited to a six-mile radius.) If the target is shielded from mental powers in some fashion, Julia can only track them to the location where the protection was engaged. Julia is vulnerable to mental attack when using this power.
'''Astral Form:''' Julia can project her astral form out to 150 miles away. While in astral form, she can use her mental-based powers as normal, her regeneration ability works on her astral form (while solid in other dimensions), and her speech-throwing and clairaudience acts as telepathy.
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'''Mental Shields:''' Julia possesses an innate psionic shield that protects her from psionic and emotion-based attacks. This shield is always in place, but lowered when Julia uses her telelocation power or wants to allow any form of psi-contact. The shield also acts as a 'filter' to allow mental contact, but not control of her mind. Julia's mental shields cannot be shut down by any outside source or effect ( see 'Power Dampening Resistance').
'''Sonic Generation:''' Julia has the ability to project sonic energies so powerful that they can liquifyliquefy or disintegrate matter (by destroying molecular bindings) or disrupt energy fields. She can affect everything within a quarter-mile area, or attack a single target within her line of sight. Julia's control of her powers allows her attack a single target without harm to anything else in the immediate area. Julia can also use her sonic powers as a form of radar/sonar. While she rarely needs to do so (because of her wings), Julia can use her sonic powers in order to fly at up to the speed of sound. Julia's sonic powers can be used underwater or in a vacuum; losing her ability to speak does not affect her power. Julia's powers can be blocked by powers that dampen mental abilities, and she cannot be adversely affected by any sonic-or voice-related control, ability or device (including her own).
'''"Speech-throwing":''' Julia can use her vocal powers like ventriloquism to any place or person that she can actually view in real-time (through television, binoculars, etc.). Her range for this power is line-of-sight (or up to 2500 miles away, if she has a way to view them in real-time). When using her power, Julia develops clairaudience at the listed ranges, which allows her to talk to the targets of her power.
'''Pyrokinesis:''' Julia possesses ''very limited'' pyrokinetic powers that she uses to generate flames around objects without harming them. She has absolute control of the flame sheath, and also has a limited resistance to all heat and flames. She primarily uses this power to sheath swords with flame (in order to fool individuals into believing that she is an angel), to start small fires, or to shoot ''small'' streams of flame or fireballs (which she only does rarely). In the LLH 'Mini ''Clarity'', Julia demonstrated that her pyrokinetic ability has increased dramatically, as she can now actually create solid objects out of pure flame (such as swords), and control the temperature/intensity of those flames to allow them to carbonize solid materials with a touch, or warm without causing harm.


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