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"Quinn the Brain" was written by [[Rachel Lipman]].
{{quote|A (very) brief burst of intellectual activity by Quinn gets her an instant reputation as a "brain."|MTV website summary}}
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[[Image:QtB_Dariahorror.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Daria realises who her tutor is]]
To both their suprisessurprises, Quinn's cuteness means she transforms being smart into a fad. Soon, Quinn is being asked by Mr O'Neill to tutor [[Kevin]], gets to leave English class early, and finds everyone gushing over her half-assed poems. She even starts to think about becoming a writer because "it's not like it's real work". Daria goes from annoyed that both classmates and teachers assume Quinn to be smart when she's still being dumb, to despairing when O'Neill asks Quinn to tutor ''her'' in English.
In an unguarded moment, a shaken Daria tries to talk with her father about it - admitting that she doesn't ''like'' the "brain" identity she's saddled with, but if it's 'stolen' then she's "got nothing". Unfortunately, Jake's response devolves into a panicked rant about his own failed life, ending with a plea to Daria that "You're still a young man! You don't have to live with your mistakes! ''Get out while you can!''" She retreats, dryly commenting that "talking to you has made me feel better about myself" (he doesn't get it).
Meanwhile, Quinn has her share of problems: with so many girls following Quinn’s example and wearing black (imitating Quinn’s intellectual poseur), a furious [[Sandi Griffin|Sandi]] suspends Quinn from the [[the Fashion Club]]. Sandi then sets out to draft Daria into helping convince Quinn to give up on braindom; unfortunately, the very idea of talking to the girl is too scary for Sandi to handle, and she retreats after two seconds.
Quinn confides in [[Jane Lane|Jane]] that while she loves how much her sister is being messed up by this, she thinks everybody’s making a big deal of her essay and doesn't understand why. ''She'' knows she's not as smart as everyone thinks. Jane explains how the girl has trained everyone to expect nothing from her and thus overreact to the slightest bit of effort, but it doesn't get through.
Daria continues to despair that nobody notices Quinn's writing is rubbish and that she's losing the "brain" role to Quinn - and since Quinn's "a brain with bouncy hair", "I can't compete" because of the different standards ("''no'' standards") the cute get. Unwilling to end up as an even ''less'' popular brain, when the [[Three Js]] approach her to get things back to normal, she has a plan of attack - one she knew would work all along but couldn't "bring myself" to do before.
That evening, at the Morgendorffer’s, Daria takes a photo of Quinn, marked with a detailed list of 'attributes', and procedes to make herself up to resemble Quinn. When the 3 J’s arrive, loudly stating they’re coming to take Daria out ("by the way, how's Quinn?"), Daria starts to show off her new look in full view of her sister. After a few seconds, Quinn panics and flees for the J's, conceding defeat.
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===Daria's Reading Material===
In a scene where Quinn attempts to bribe Daria into writing her essay, Daria is reading Joseph Heller's [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catch-22 |''Catch-22.'']]
Daria's report for Language Arts is on ''Death of a Salesman'', and titled ''He Had It Coming''.
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You can make out the words on the DVD for ''He Had It Coming'':
''There are two ways to read Arthur Miller's "Death of a Salesman". The first is an American tragedy, the story of a "little man" whose spirit and life were crushed by the viciousnessvicissitudes of everyday life. But a second (and in my view equally valid) way to interpret the storywork is as a morality play with a happy ending. Compromise your values, lose sight of your dreams, cheat on your spouse, and you're dead. Clean, [unreadable]quick, uncomplicated. It's almost a happy fantasy, really. In fact, when I'm feeling a little depressed, I cracklike to open up "Death of a Salesman" and [unreadableturn to](?) the funeral scene for a quick pick-me-up.''
===O'Neill's letter to Helen===
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On the DVD, O'Neill's letter about Quinn's grades was legible, reading:
''Dear Mr. Morgendorffer, Mrs. Morgendorffer, and/or caretakercaregiver,''
''As your daughter/ward Quinn’s Language Arts teacher, it is my sad duty to inform you that Quinn is not working up to her potential and is in danger of failing Language Arts, which I teach.''
''Now, I use the termphrase “working up to her potential” deliberately, for it is my belief that all students have the potential to soar like eagles (educationally) when their imaginationimaginations and interest are engaged, and in fact Quinn’s imagination and interest are engaged, justonly not by school or anything to [do] with learning in any shape or form. Ironically, I myself have learned quite a bit about current skort styles and materials by listening to Quinn and her friends, but unfortunately this does not help her grade. Would that it could! In any case, I thought you should know about Quinn’s poor performance so that together we can help her bring her grade up. When teachers and parents work as partners, Look [sic] out world, nothing can stop us now!''
''In any case, I thought you should know about Quinn’s poor performance so that together we can help bring her grades up. When teachers and parents work together as partners, Look [sic] out world, nothing can stop us now!''
''Sincerely yours,''
''Timothy O’Neill''
''(Quinn's Language Arts teacher)''
==“Quinn the Brain” and Fanfic==
This episode is a common rationale for the [[Tired Daria Fandom Tropes|trope]] that Daria, underneath her unfashionable clothing and behind her glasses, is conventionally attractive - and veryjust muchcovering soit -up; andnumerous justfanfics coveringhave itrun upwith this idea. Quinn's reaction to Daria's appearance at the end of the episode is taken as evidence, that Quinn is scared of the school finding out how Daria really looks;. althoughOther herfans reactionargue maythat simplyQuinn's bereaction is due to the idea of Daria being like her (just as Daria disliked Quinn taking ''her'' role), without regard for the level of success., Aand numberthe ofwhole alternate'transformation' endingsscene tois thisa episodepisstake haveon been'girl writtentakes asglasses aoff means& ofbecomes allowinghot' thestories "cute"as Daria tolooks last longer thanexactly the tripsame frombut herwithout room to Quinn'sglasses dooron.
[[YouthofOz]]'s "[http://thepaperpusher.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=47226 Life That Dare Not Speak Its Name]" takes place around this story, showing how irritated Sandi was and revealing it was her that gave Daria the idea of "show[ing] Quinn what it feels like to steal who you are".
A [[Novelization|novelization]] of [http://web.archive.org/web/20110519151840/http://outpost-daria.com/fanfic/ep203_quinn_the_brain.html this episode] has been written by [[Martin J. Pollard]].
The story [[A Tale of Two Brains]], by [[Richard Lobinske]], of the [[John Lane]] series, has a somewhat altered version of this episode.
==External Links==
===On “Quinn the Brain” the Episode===
* [https://sites.google.com/site/dariatranscripts/203-quinn-the-brain Transcript] at [[Daria Transcripts]]
* [https://archiveofourown.org/works/17623430/chapters/41550449 Episode Analysis] by [[WellTemperedClavier]]
===Alternate Universe Versions of “Quinn the Brain”===


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