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Article Twenty-Seven of the 1985 Bowman Act is the specific and intended equivalent to the Ninth and Tenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, but expanded to all signatory nations. Like Article One of the 1982 Bowman Act, it has caused much debate in legislative circles and in the media of many countries.
The most controversial section of the Bowman Acts in general is ''Article Nineteen'' of the 1985 Bowman Act - which is an equivalent to the fictional ''Article 14, Section 31'' of the original Earth Starfleet charter). ''Article Nineteen'' specifically establishes that the United Nations if bound by a fundamental duty to ' ''actively consider, plan and if necessary, implement and maintain unusual and extreme measures that may seem to exist beyond the boundaries of the current legal structure of any signatory nation, but can be construed to be within the boundaries of the law during times of extraordinary foreign or domestic threats to the interests and people of the planet Earth and all future political and physical holdings forthwith'' '. Article Nineteen also allows for the establishment of temporary special action organs to deal with 'any recognized threat to global security by metahuman threats of any type from any quarter', and allows them diplomatic immunity in the dispensation of their duties while enforcing Article Nineteen and related support duties or operations. Any operations considered under Article Nineteen status must be presented to a meeting of the Permanent Members of the U.N. Security Council before such actions are taken in order to be ratified by the members; in such cases where immediate action is necessary and such meetings cannot be held before said action must be taken, the lead members on such operations must appear before the Permanent Members within seven days of the operation's conclusion in order to present comprehensive verbal reports on any said operation, the rationale behind the operation and all results relating to such. This is the legal foundation behind the formation of the multi-national group known as [[Vectors Control]].


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